Chapter 20 - Monarchies

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You gorgeous people are amazing and I CANNOT thank you enough for your commitment to this unfolding adventure.

Like I just spat out my tea. That's how amazed I am at you guys.

Ugh. I love you.

And I really hope you enjoy this chapter 😘

'You're a radical man, Leonardo,' I whispered across the sheets.

His soft breath fluttered across my cheek as he leaned closer to my face, eyes lit up in the dim lighting of our room.

'It's the Jame in me,' he murmured sleepily, smiling softly.

The dark covers of the bed sunk below us as we rested that afternoon. After the meeting had concluded with a new formed idea in mind, Leo and I had retreated to our room in order to think over his proposition and properly rest our bodies.

My smile began to disappear  as I thought deeper about the sacrifice Leo was willing to make for me. It was so hard to think about; I felt so honoured, yet so very guilty.

'Are you sure?' I questioned as I ran my hand through his hair. It was getting much longer than I had ever seen it before. 'Maybe there's a way we can do this that doesn't require you sacrificing-'

To my surprise, his chuckle interrupted me, eyes shining with amusement. 'Calm down, Jame. I am very sure of what I'm doing. I would sacrifice my throne a thousand times over just to spend each and every day with you. And besides, Aliana will be a perfect queen. Just as you will be.'

I nodded, eyes closing as he gently stroked the bridge of my nose. 'As long as you're happy, Leo. That's all I really want. That, and at least a year of maternity leave when I have our first pup.'

Leo laughed. 'Anything for you, Jame. Anything.'

'You better be back soon,' Lexa grumbled as he hugged me stiffly, patting my back in an odd display of affection.

I raised an eyebrow. 'With a certain someone by my side, perhaps?'

He had the grace to blush, eyes diverted from my own amused ones. 'Perhaps.'

Smiling warmly, I watched Lexa shuffle away as Roman took his spot, a stark contrast to his brother with his charming smile and open arms.

'We will miss you, Jame! Come back to us soon, yes?' he said, his eyes glinting with mischief as he hugged me tightly.

I laughed into his shoulder. 'Of course we will. Now I know you three charismatic kings are here, Leo won't be able to keep me away.'

Leo rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm back around my waist securely. 'Very funny.'

Tanner's eyes twinkled with warmth. 'Thank you both for the sacrifices you're willing to make. Tavel safely.'

I nodded. 'Until next time.'

'Alestonia,' I sighed happily, as we rolled through the city gates.

'Home,' agreed Leo contentedly as we leant out the window together, watching the sun set over the castle; it had taken us a whole day of travel to arrive here.

'You know what? I'm really glad to be back here. I love life when I'm here, with you,' I mumbled sleepily, turning around to  look into his eyes.

Leo kissed me, drawing me closer to his chest. He smiled.

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