Chapter 19 - Dressed In White

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So I finished Year 12! Holy moly, what a journey! I'm finally done and dusted... and working full time. #sleepisfortheweak

THANK YOU to everyone who has voted on my story! You truly made my day

So sorry for the lateness, but I hope you enjoy! Xx


To say my maids were surprised to find me in bed with a man the next morning was an understatement.

In fact, they were downright horrified. Through my half open eyes, my sleep-heavy brain managed to register Amelia running out the door, madly yelling 'Kings!'. Liza simply stared at us, wide eyed.

I groaned, pushing myself into a sitting position, Leo's limp arm slipping from around my waist. 'Liza... what in the world is wrong with Amelia?'

'Uh. There's an intruder in your bed, miss.'

I frowned at her, noticing her fidgeting nervously. I glanced down at Leo, his lax facial expression amusing me. 'This guy right here?'

She nodded. 'Yes, miss. Who is he? And if I may ask, what is he doing in your bed?'

I paused. 'Liza, this is my mate. Who else would I allow to sleep along side me?' I asked, eyebrows raised.

She blushed. 'I didn't mean to insinuate anything. I promise, miss.'

I waved it away. 'Don't fret about it. Where on earth has Amelia run off to?'

Liza scratched her head awkwardly. 'Well, you see, we thought there was an intruder in your bed, which, technically, there is, so-'

'Liza. Where is she?'

She hesitated. 'Alerting the three kings, miss.'

Bloody hell.


Roman, Lexa and Tanner ran into the room not two minutes later, fully dressed and eyes blazing. I had woken Leo up; he was currently holding me to his chest protectively, still in bed, refusing to believe that the kings were anything less than a danger to me.

That was how they found us as they slammed the door open, stopping in a line before my bed as they took in the sight of the two of us.

Lexa as fuming. 'We specifically told you to wait at our borders until we gave you permission to enter our country. By entering illegally, you have breached-'

Leo growled loudly, holding me tighter to his chest. The kings tensed. 'Don't feed me that crap. You kidnapped my mate! You initiated this. Don't you start thinking I'm the guilty one in this situation.'

Before Lexa could let out a come back, Tanner held up a hand to silence him. He took a deep breath. 'We understand you're angry. Please, let go of Jame and we can discuss this properly. Like adults,' he said, giving Lexa a pointed look.

Leo frowned, brow creased. 'Why should I let go of my mate? We can talk here and now.'

I looked up at Leo, patting his arm that encircled my waist. 'They're protective of me, Leo. You put them on edge. Just let go of me, we can get dressed, and-'

'I put them on edge? Jame, my wolf-'

'Leo,' I hissed. 'Just do it.'

He was motionless for a few tense seconds, breathing deeply. Finally, he relented. 'Fine. But I'm not leaving your side for a second.'


My closet was full of white dresses.

It was minority disturbing, actually. Yesterday, I had not needed to change, as I had still been wearing my orange dress Leo and I had bought at the markets. They hadn't changed me when I arrived, to my great relief. No one had, since my time here. I had dressed myself.

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