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The phone rung 6 times before he finally answered.

"Hello?" Messiah said into the phone. The background was quiet.

"Where are you?" Aaliyah asked him. Then she heard someone laughing.

"I'm at home Aaliyah, why? You just slammed a door in my face now you wanna be friends?" Messiah said back to her.

"Who's over there?" She started to get dressed while still holding the phone to her ear.

"Marcus is, and his daughter." Messiah was trying to hurry up and end the conversation. Aaliyah hung up in his face, she knew he was lying. She ordered for an Uber to pick her up from her hotel in 15 minutes while she continued to get dressed.

After her Uber ride, she pulled up to their house. There was a car outside, but it wasn't Marcus' car.

Aaliyah walked around to the back of the house and opened the window to the downstairs bathroom and climbed through. She walked through the house looking quietly looking around to see if anything seemed out of place. There was a pink purse sitting on the couch beside a black leather jacket. She ran up the stairs and busted into her and Messiahs bedroom. Vanessa was laying on the bed next to a sleep Messiah.

When Vanessa heard the door open, she jumped up from the bed, waking up Messiah.

"Thought she was lying Messiah." Aaliyah said to him, referring to when Messiah told her that Vanessa was lying about him and her messing around with each other.

All Messiah did was look at her with a guilty expression on his face, he knew he was wrong, and he knew he'd probably never gain back Aaliyah's trust after this.

"I told you baby girl, why would I lie to another female about something like this?" Vanessa asked her while sitting back down on the bed.

Aaliyah didn't even hear her speaking to her, she was more focused on Messiah. Why would he do something like this? What did she do wrong?

"So all these years were for what? Me carrying this baby is for what?" Aaliyah asked him.

"You're pregnant?" Vanessa said surprising. Aaliyah heard her talking that time, but still acted as if she didn't.

"I'm sorry A. We were in a bad space, and it was only a matter of time before you left me regardless." Messiah said while standing up and walking over to Aaliyah.

"Oh so cause we're in a bad space, that gives you the right to go out and cheat? Alright, that's a bet." She started walking out of the house with Messiah trailing behind her.

"So what now?" Messiah asked her while she was still walking.

She didn't answer him, instead she just kept walking. Her Uber was still waiting for her outside because she told them that it wouldn't be that long.

She got a text from Zenen once she got in the car.

Zenen : Mind if we meet up right now? Got a lot on my mind and I need advice.

Aaliyah : Im staying at the hotel on Anderson Lane, i'll send you the room number once you're there.

Zenen : Im on my way.

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