» chapter 6 «

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m i l l i e ☀︎

I sighed, snuggling deeper into my bed. Yesterday, I had successfully found a reason for Finn to stay alive. It was also one of our days off from filming. I had the entire day to plan the rest of the reasons. I needed 8 more reasons, 9 including today. I opened my notebook, writing the days down.

Day 1: friends
Day 2: music/playing guitar
Day 3:

But I left it blank. I didn't have a reason. Then, I remembered why Finn was one of my best friends. We were movie friends. Smiling, I hastily scribbled 'movies' for day 3. The better question was how to get Finn to come over and watch a movie. I also remembered the horror movie we were due to watch. "Perfect," I whispered. I was going to help Finn. He was going to be okay. I grabbed my phone, starting a private chat with Finn.


mills; hey finn
mills; r u free today
finn; yea why
mills; come over
finn; why
mills; horror movie, u promised?
finn; shit was that today??
mills; -_-
finn; ok sorry
finn; coming over at 5, next movie showing is at 5:30
mills; thank you
mills; the cinema is about 15 mins away
mills; ill see u later


I sighed. Finn was still being salty about the deal thing. Honestly, I think he was depressed, but I wasn't sure anymore. Finn was confusing me. I didn't know if he was diagnosed by a doctor or self-diagnosed. I had no idea what kind of depression he even suffered from.

I spent the day lost in thought, trying to think of more reasons. I ended up working on schoolwork, anxiously staring at the clock and waiting for the movie. That would be the time to prove to Finn exactly how terribly wrong he was about despising life.

I told my mom where I was going and opened the door. Finn was standing there, raising his hand to knock. He dropped his arm, staring at me.

"Hey," I said, tightening my grip on my purse.

"Hey," he replied. "Um, let's go." We started walking to the cinema.

"You're filming a horror movie, right?" I said, trying to start conversation. "It?"

"Yeah," he mumbled.

"Mm, so are we watching the Ouija movie?" I asked, not realizing how badly I'd messed up the word.

"What did you say?" Finn questioned.


"It's wee-ja, not ouh-ja."

"Ouija," I repeated.

"You'll get it eventually," Finn murmured.

"Finn." I stopped, yanking his arm. "We're here." His gaze snapped to the theatre.

"Oh." He shrugged free of my grasp, and we walked to the ticket distributor.

"Two tickets for Ouija: Origin of Evil. We're paying separately," Finn said.

"$13 each." Finn and I both gave the money, grabbed our tickets, and entered the cinema. Colorful movie posters lined the walls. I found myself focussing on those rather than Finn. Making eye contact was painful and awkward, even when we were both good friends, so I didn't. I avoided his gaze. I had to think ahead, how this movie would tie in to saving his life.

"Are we going to get food?" Finn asked, gripping his ticket securely.

"Is that even a question?" I gasped. He nodded slowly. "Well, I'm gonna get popcorn and a soda." At his bewildered expression, I gasped, standing akimbo. "In case you haven't noticed, Millie Bobby Brown has a sweet tooth."

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