Chapter 27

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Hiro's grin came back. "Hey, I think we should go some place. You know, celebrate this idea being thought of and all. And also... spending some time with you wouldn't be that bad either."

"Some place?" You asked. "Where did you have in mind?"

"Nowhere in particular. A bike ride, stopping when we're tired, hide and seek in a park, a picnic. Just something nice and simple, that doesn't require to much thinking. You in?"

"Sure. But what are we gonna bring to eat?"

"Well.... Tadashi baked some cookies today. He makes the best cookies. And then I'll just put in some water, or soft drink, or whatever you want. And then we'll ride." He looked to you for confirmation, and you nodded. He stood up from the table, and then you did, and you both walked upstairs. On the way, Hiro grabbed your hand, and when you looked over, he was wearing that sheepish look.

"This is cool?" He asked quietly. You squeezed his hand.

"Cool? This is what I've been imagining since I met you."


Wind rushed through the helmet, flicking your hair in crazy directions. You swerved onto the pavement, avoiding an angry looking driver in a Mitsubishi. Hiro was ahead of you, still on the road, and you directed the bike back down to the asphalt, peddling furiously to try and catch the boy. He must have caught you out of the corner of his eye, because he too sped up, and suddenly it was a race, for you to catch him, and for him to avoid you.

At this speed, you couldn't pay attention to where you were going, your attention all focused on him. Suddenly, Hiro disappeared, and upon arriving to the spot, you saw gates to enter a park. Turning off the main road and onto the entranceway, you could see his red t-shirt disappearing in the distance. You knew you couldn't catch him now, but if he went out of sight, you were lost. You pedalled your already-sore legs harder.

You almost missed him. Hiro had pulled over into a fairly secluded picnic area. It was empty, apart from Hiro and yourself. Cherry blossoms and oaks were the perimeter, guarding the clearing like their own special secret. The grass was green, as was characteristic or the parks in this area - well kept and beautiful. Wooden picnic tables littered the grass, and Hiro had leant his bike up against one.

He turned and grinned at you. "Good spot, huh? I found it one time when Aunt Cass, Tadashi and I visited. I've never seen anyone else in here. So, you want to move on to the fun stuff?" You nodded. "Okay. Count to twenty, and then come find me!" Hiro tore off into the bushes, in such a childish way that you grinned. You remembered playing this in primary school, in a much more simple time.

The numbers spilled out of your mouth. "One, two, three..." Everything about the game was nostalgic, a reminder of your old home, your parents, your younger self. And then you found yourself thinking, I'm still me. Just a little bit older, a bit more grown up. You realised, for the first time, that you didn't need your old memories, didn't hug them tight like you would a blanket as a baby. You had a life here, and you were content. Then the numbers hit twenty, and you sprinted off in the same direction as Hiro had gone.

The tree branches brushed you like a warm hug, reminding you that you were here, and that you were safe. Holding you in the present. You looked for signs of where Hiro had gone, some flattened grass or disturbed leaves. There was some footprints in the long grass, going right, so you followed them, scouting the bushes either side of you for a flash of red. So far, nothing.

The footsteps led you to a dirt trail, and the footprints disappeared. You jogged up the trail, staying quiet as so to listen. You heard a rustle to your right, and spun quickly. The noise had changed, more like crunching than rustling, slightly behind you. You made a split second decision and dove into the tree line. You landed on a familiar blue jacket, with just one difference - there was no Hiro wearing it.

You looked left, than right, and saw a path made through a hedge way. You pushed your way through, and on the other side was him. You tapped him lightly on the shoulder, trying to make your face look as playful as possible. "I believe they call that being caught."

"Ha ha," he said, rolling his eyes in a very you're great and all but in a super annoying way. "Alright, your turn to hide. Ready, set, go!" You crawled through the passage and out again onto the trail. You had yet another decision to make: back down the trail, or continue forward? You decided to plough ahead. You could hear Hiro counting in the background. "Eight, nine..."

You scouted either side of the trail for a good hiding spot, and after turning a corner to the left found a weeping willow. The foliage was thick, and almost impenetrable. Seeing through it would be hard, and you would be able to hear Hiro coming. Inside the green dome was almost peaceful, the silence broken occasionally by the muffled tweet of a bird. You sat on your butt, legs curled against your chest, and waited.

You heard him less than a minute later. And then the green curtain was thrown open, and a blur of a human threw themselves on top of you. Your face aligned with his face. He was smirking. "Never pick the first good hiding place." And then he kissed you, and it was everything you imagined and more.

Through a Glass Screen (Hiro x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant