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A/N : Sorry for the long wait, but just for a warning, I might won't be able to update this regularly........ enjoy the opening chapter.♥♥♥

D.O is an early riser. He always was, always is, and always will be. Even now, when they aren't in the comfort of the place he calls home, D.O still wakes up earlier than the others. He quietly unzips his sleeping bag even though he knows pretty well that his tent-mate will sleep through everything like a rock. Kai is the heaviest sleeper among everybody that he knew.

He gets out of his tent and meets with a clear, fresh and peaceful morning air. He takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with it as much as he could, and stretches his stiff limbs before starting to take a stroll towards the lakeshore while letting his mind wander.

Today is the last day of their first vacation where everybody could finally come along. This year is the first year where everybody finally settles in Seoul. Haru, the last one who moved in, was fortunately able to enroll to his and Chanyeol's university without much trouble. They all live in their own families' houses now that they are back in Seoul, while the girls live in their university's dorms. So when they gathered at some café one day, they decided to go on a three day camping trip sort of like a welcoming party for everyone.

After that eventful year in his third year of high school, the one with Kris' rebellion, and the addition of Gwen, Maeji and Haru to his non-blood related family, the Hellions have been living their lives quite peacefully. No new animas have been added to their group either. The boys who haven't met their animas yet can now be split into two sides:

One is the side who use their time to fool around with any girls that their desire—this side consists of Kai, Sehun, Chen, and Baekhyun—while the other side are the ones who actually put their heart and mind to wait for their so called soul-mate—their anima—the one who will hold their hearts for the rest of their lives. These include Lay, Xiumin, Suho, and D.O.

Although there are no written rules about falling in love with other girls who aren't their animas, the idea that he will eventually fall out of love with that person anyway doesn't sit right in D.O's mind. That's D.O's reason for avoiding any kind of "ship" with the opposite sex, except for the one who he already calls family. Nowadays D.O has been really close with Haru—even more than him with Chanyeol in which Chanyeol begrudgingly pointed out. D.O treats Haru like how he would treat his own little sister, but the others keep on saying that he spoils her too much. Maeji and Gwen are close with him too, but Haru just clicks with him in every way.

D.O's mind comes back to the present as he hears footsteps coming his way. He turns around and finds Haru jogging lightly towards him. One of things that make them click, they both are early riser.

"Oppa, wanna race me?" Haru says as she passes D.O, proceeding to run backwards while waiting for his answer.

"Sure, I'd love to see you eat the dust behind me." He answers with a chuckle and immediately sprints forward.

"No way in hell you can beat me!" Haru sprinted after him, and so their little race begins.

When they both reached back the camping site, still panting, they find Chen hovering above their food container, most probably trying to steal some of the ready to eat sausages that he knows D.O always carries around.

"Why are the two of you hyped up so early in the morning?" Chen asks with his mouth full of sausage, and D.O could even see some cheese crumbs on his cheek.

"Stop stealing my food or we won't have anything left for breakfast." D.O gets in between Chen and the container just in time before he can takes another food supply. He aims for the bread buns this time, but D.O is faster and he closes the container lid before Chen's hand can even reach it.

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