Getting my mission

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That's Marissa up on top.

Marissa is a spy that lives in Texas. She is always out and about because of her missions. When she goes to Head Quarters she is going to get a new mission from Ms. Butler, the director of the spy program.
(Marissa's pov)        
I was called into head quarters because they said I got a new mission. (Yay!! I absolutely LOVE missions) I thought to my self. I walk in and on my way to Ms. Butlers office I'm greeted by warm faces. I am in the office and my director says I'm going to begin going to Beacon hills high school. I'm kind of lost because I've never heard of it before, but I'm informed that a lot of mysterious deaths have happened. I'm going to get to the bottom of this. My flight leaves at 8:30 and it's 4:00. I guess it's time for me to pack! Once I get home I greet my parents. They really never notice when I'm gone, they work too much, but I don't mind. I drive and I do whatever I want under my own limitations. I take a shower and then go pack. Around 8:00 I got to the air port and wait for my plane. It's here, time for me to head out. Ughhh a 2 hour flight..

Hey guys I'm sorry that it's a lot boring but it's my first book. I know this chapter is really short but I didn't want to ruin anything. I'll try to get better but I have great things planned. I hope you guys like my book.

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