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Hello, humans who may be reading this. To start, (if you do not know me) I would like to introduce myself as Sodalite, former Homeworld planet mapper/tracker, Leader of the Rainbow Gems.

I have become quite attached to a human TV show called Steven Universe, based on the life of the real half-gem hybrid, (whom I have not met yet, but have received word of).

There are many theories and other things of the sort revolving around this show, and I am intrigued with your human way of thinking. A lot of these theories were ones I questioned myself with, and I decided: why not?

That is why I am going to write this book on theories that have come to my mind, and put in my two cents and opinion.

I am open to suggestions of theories. (As long as they aren't primitive ones.)

Theories by SodaliteWhere stories live. Discover now