005 ; the carnival

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[05. the carnival]

( iv. now or never | halsey )


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"YES WE'RE GOING TO THE CARNIVAL!" Payton hollered. "Do you know how much bad stuff happens at the Carnival." Marina says. "Death." Lucy says.

"I'm aware of that. But we can't let them know." Layla says. "Let us know what." Damon walks in with Stefan. "Nothing." Lucy says scared.

Stefan walks up to Lucy. "Come'n Lucy tell us." He says. "Things." She says. "Move aside brother." Damon says. "What happens." Damon compels her.

"Things." Lucy says. "They can't be compelled." He says. "What!?" Payton screams. "I mean I knew that." Payton snorted, "Smooth." Marina says.

"Shut up, Payton." All of them say together and Payton awkwardly walks into the other room. "So.... ready for school?" Damon asked sarcastically and Lucy had to hold Mariana back.

"Yep!" Skylar said as she walked out the room. Payton peeked her head around the corner and everyone looked back at her. "Okay let's say hypothetically that someone was looking for orange juice. And let's say that someone accidentally knocked over all the blood bags. How bad would that turn out?" Damon pretended to think.

"Well then hypothetically that person would die. Any other questions?" Payton shook her head rapidly and made a okay sign with her fingers. "I think that covers it."

"Hey Payton." Marina called out as the girl faced her older sister.

"Your a idiot."


"I can't believe we're actually in Mystic Falls High School." Lucy gasped. "I can't believe i'm in High School.. Again." Marina scoffed. Lucy looked at Marina in disbelief to her it was a dream. Skyler was tired.

Lucy looked away from her friends. Her eyes widened. "Hey Elena!" She said loudly, although she wasn't fond of Elena she was a nice person.

Everyone turned to Elena. "In this world she isn't famous, idiot." Payton said playfully. It caught Elena's attention and her eyes turned to the girls.

Elena walked slowly to the girls. Layla's stomach growled "Where can I get some food around here." She said randomly. She walked away from the big group. Meanwhile, Lucy was almost about to faint.

"Are you guys the witches." She said. The girls stared at the girl. "Yeah." Marina said not fazed by the situation. "Well I'm Marina, this is Lucy who I think you meet, this is Payton, Skyler, Layla's not here." She says.

"Oh well nice to meet you. I'll show you around. You know we're having a-" Elena gets cut off by Marina, "Yeah, Carnival we know." Marina says. Layla walk near the the girls with a big bag of cheetos. "There's a vending machine." Layla says with cheeks full of cheetos.


"Carnival!!" Payton screams. "Again, Death." Marina whispers. The girls walked towards the door. The boys following behind them. The door opens and this girls follow the sidewalk to the bright red car.

Skyler, Marina, and Payton ride with Stefan, (Which Payton asked him the whole time of he was taking drugs to get his hair the way it was)And Lucy, Layla, and Lina ride with Damon, (Which the girls were constantly threatened)Once they all arrive at the carnival the girls run out with there tickets.

"Lucy and I are gonna get cotton candy." Skyler said as she ran with her best friend. "Caroline's a vampire. We have to kill her." Damon pulled aside his brother and said.
Elena being Elena got in between them.

The three all huddle whispering.

"Kill? I just came for food." Layla says. "We're not killing Caroline." Elena screams. "I kinda agree with Damon." Marina says. "What?! There talking about killing someone." Payton screams.

"Stop being so loud." Marina says. "If you think you're going to kill her your underestimating me." Payton says. "You don't even know her. If this was real life you wouldn't even like a girl like her!" Marina screams.

"Real life?" Stefan says. The girls eyes widen. "Where's Damon!" Elena screams. Payton runs. And sees Damon sweet talking Caroline, with a big wooden stick hid behind his back.

Payton runs and grabs the stick out of his hand. "Caroline run!" She ends up running. "Idiot." He yells at Payton. "What'd you do." Marina says.

Everyone hears whimpering and turns to the truck. "Bonnie, I'm sorry." Elena says. "It not you it's him always." She looks at Damon.

The girls feel a gust of wind. Damon falls to the floor. Fire sparkles in all there eyes. It was like everything and everyone was in slow motion. They turn to see Skyler and Lucy. Skyler runs to Bonnie and shakes her.

Another gust of wind but with more power, Skyler flat impacting the concrete. "Ow!" She screams angry.

Bonnie looks at the concerned faces and run away from the crowd. "Damon, what the hell is wrong with you." Skyler screams.

"You guys didn't wanna listen to me." Marina says as she looks at her dirty friend.

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