Chapter 1

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She ran through the London Underground, her tan satchel bouncing on her shoulder. Her navy baggy jumper hung loosely on her body, the tops of her pale shoulders showing. Her Converse slapped against the vinyl stairs, yet was drowned out by the buzzing chatter of the busy train station. Her messy bun bounced around her face just as she sprinted towards the doors of the closing train. The door closed on her face just as she reached the door. The desperation must've shown on her face as she banged on the doors. A middle aged man saw this young lady in distress; her hair all over the place, her clothes just thrown on and her red rimmed eyes, slightly puffy. The man pressed the 'open door' button and the girl ran through, thanking the man repeatedly. The train set off slowly, increasing speed, leaving the London Underground.

She slowly sat down on the train floor, ignoring the strange looks thrown in her direction. A few people asked if she was alright and was returned by a feeble smile and a nod. One elderly woman even offered her seat to the girl on the floor. She politely declined and helped the woman back to her seat on the train. Now standing, she decided to try to find a seat and luckily found one a few carriages away. She slumped down on the seat and dug into her satchel for her second-hand iPhone 5s. Her eyes threatened to shut, yet she willed them open and unlocked her phone. The message was already up; that haunting message that stopped her life.

"Katherine, Nanna's sick. Really sick. I know you left home saying you would never step foot in mums house again but this isn't about her. This is about Nanna. Put aside whatever rebellious hate you have for our mum and call us. Just so you can talk to Nanna. I'm afraid she might not make it. Please. Call."Sister <3

Katherine did call. In fact, she called her sister just before she booked her flight from JFK to London Gatwick. They both cried on the phone and Kat continued crying halfway through her flight. That felt like a life time ago now. As soon as she got the text message, Ri booked the soonest flight she could and left almost immediately.

A ping helps Katherine collect her thoughts, as she opens up the new message.

"Call me." Jammy :P

And those two simple words are all it takes for Katherine to press the 'call' and those two simple words are all it takes for Katherine to press the 'call' button and listen to the dial. On the fifth ring, her best friend's American accent flew through the phone.

"Ri! How is everything? Are you there yet? Oh god, I didn't wake you up did I? I'm so sorry-"

"James! Calm down!" Katherine chuckled weakly through the phone. "I'm on the train heading towards my home town right now."

"Oh good." Breathed James. He had been the one to help organise the trip for Ri, even gave her a ride to the airport. They loved each other like siblings and sometimes even fought like some. But at the end of the day they both knew they loved each other, as a brother and sister should.

They continued to talk throughout the train ride, James' stupid comments and wit keeping Ri's mind off her troubles. He knew how much he needed to keep her mind of things before she slipped into a dangerous position. James knew he couldn't be physically there to help her, so he did the next best thing.

Ri loved her Nanna and hoped she would be alright. Nanna had never been a perfect woman, yet she had an essence of happiness that managed to make people around her smile. Heck, she had even kept her family smiling when her own son abandoned Ri, her sister and her mother. Ri assumed that Nanna would turn a blind eye to them, ignore them and take her sons side. However, she did none of that.

"Jammy, I've got to go. My trains stopping at my station now." Ri said into the phone, picking up her satchel and walking over to the train doors.

"That's okay." James answered, a little worried for her. "Just... call me when you see Nanna and tell her, her favourite grandson is missing her." Ri chuckled. They'd only met each other once, and both connected to each other like a duck takes to water.

"Will do. Love ya."

"Love you too, Ri." She cut off the line and sighed. The last thing Ri needed to do was be left alone with her thoughts, but that is all she could do as she waited for the door to open to her old home town.

Here's the first chapter!
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