''Sure, I'll call you when it's done.''

''What, no breakfast in bed?'' Lauren raised her head and looked at him with an expression that read, 'did you really just say that?’

Sebastian laughed at Lauren and shook his head to himself before walking downstairs to where he found Liam sat on a stool eating a bacon sandwich.

''Sort everything out with my sister?'' Liam asked without looking up, he knew it wouldn't be Lauren, she'd stay in bed if she had the chance too and it looked like she had roped Sebastian into making breakfast for her so she could sleep longer.

''Yea. We're together but we're taking it slow.'' Sebastian replied with a smile and Liam's head shot up to look at him.

''What happened to this shit about you putting her in danger if you were together?'' Liam asked with a suspicious face, if Sebastian was putting his sister and niece in danger by being with her then he was going to be breaking a few bones very soon, best mate or not.

''We've came up with a plan, but it's not exactly fool proof yet, and I don't know how much time we have got.'' Came Sebastian’s reply as he rummaged through Laurens food to find something suitable to make her breakfast with.

Liam watched amused and Sebastian struggled to find everything in the kitchen, he didn't help him, he just sat back in his chair and watched on whilst he ate his bacon sandwich.

''Want to hear what Lauren came up with?'' Sebastian suddenly blurted out, he had no idea what Liam would think when he told him.

''I have a feeling it's something completely unexpected, you never really know with my sister these days.'' Liam sighed and took another bite of his sandwich. ''Go for it.''

Sebastian wrinkled his nose when Liam spat a little bacon out but otherwise carried on with making Lauren breakfast now that he had found everything.

''She suggested we kill him.'' 

Liam immediately choked on the bit of sandwich in his mouth, coughing over and over again whilst hitting his chest trying to get back to normal. Sebastian just stood there though, leisurely cooking the pancake mix he had just made and ignoring his choking friend.

''Give a man a bit of warning would you?'' Liam spluttered out after he finally managed to stop choking. ''I expected something like her suggesting you two run away together, or she completely changes her appearance and moves to Canada. Not fucking kill Jericho.''

''I can't say that it won't work though, because it will.'' Sebastian replied and flipped the pancake, Lauren was lucky he knew how to cook otherwise she'd be getting burnt mush.

''Yea after hours of planning, which I remind you we don't have hours to waste.'' Liam replied sarcastically, standing up and pacing across the kitchen, bacon sandwich still in hand.

''I'm going to just do it I think. Just kill him and get it over with, no elaborate planning, just go in his office and you know. Wham he's dead.'' Sebastian shrugged, he knew that was a stupid plan but it was the best they have for the short time they have been given.

''You do realise he has guards with him nearly twenty four seven, right?'' Liam asked and took another bite of his sandwich.

''I know, I know more about this that anyone, Ok? I know where he will be right now, I know who he will be with. I'm going to be the next leader I have to know everything.'' 

''Alright smart ass, we still need to plan a little better than your 'just go in there and wham, he's dead' plan.''

''Yeah I know, we need to somehow make it seem like another gang targeted him, like they somehow got in and killed him. Our gang will want to avenge his death so we have to plan this carefully and quickly, we have two days, maximum.'' Sebastian replied and started making Lauren a fry-up to go with her pancakes.

An accident, but no mistake. EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now