"that's my business!" stupid. Idiot. I just have to open my big mouth.

He looks at me with cold brown eyes, they were calm but ruthless.

"I am not used to be spoken back , there would be no excuse next time." he sharply replies back.
I raise my eye brows,

Ah there such a gentleman...

"I hope you left that pathetic job of yours ." I hear the momentary taps of the keys on his laptop while continuing to keep my gaze on him. I have grown a bone.

"yes.." I reply.

"your things have been moved in here, hopefully you have completed your tasks back in Washington."


I suddenly become aware that my knee was brushing his. I felt like detaching the bloody thing of my body. What touches him becomes tainted somehow.

"Once we reach home, I like you to behave decent. I hate when someone disrespects me, and you being my mate will serve no exception"

I wasn't expecting any though.

"I like to know more about the story you have devised regarding my mother."

A low growl erupts from his throat.

"I do not lie."


I roll my eyes and look out. It wasn't that easy, packing my bags and resigning my job while moving in with a ghost who plans to make you his bride. Thinking to myself it felt like a horror story we share with kids, just to scare them off. But in my case there are neither kids nor a story made. It was as real as my existence.

"How many men have you been with"

Did I hear it right? There was a sort of envy coaxed with irritation in his tone.

"Nothing that should concern you."

"what's mine, should be mine alone"

"that's a misconception sir"

"I do not precisely care, answer me."
my brows furrow catching him impatient. I thought he is marrying me for some sick business but his reaction tells otherwise.

"I do not understand—

"Answer the damn question Emerald. Your body is mine, and I hate it when people touch what is mine."


He anger was scaring me. I couldn't utter a word. The car was now enclosed in dead silence.

What was he up to?


That seem to irk him even more,

"I asked how many."


Uh-uh not the correct answer to propose. Okay the fact is nil. I haven't been with a single man and thanks to my very fucked up life. I know better than to look for myself than screw a night with an arse.

But Alberto here doesn't need to know this. I am too vulnerable in front of him. if he gets to know that I am a virgin...I just cant imagine its outcome

I look into his gold-brown eyes and remind myself not to be weak. I swallow hard seeing  his body shake with anger. My throat becomes dry and trust me, I could have given anything to die right this moment.

The car stops suddenly abruptly, making me accustomed to the tensed atmosphere. It's a sin angering  him. he could have strangled me.

He gets off the car and close the door with a loud thud and that is the end of the poor door. Its breaks, and the windows shattered glass falls right on the ground. I cringe hearing the reverberating sound in a silent  neighbourhood.

Underneath (Completed)#UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now