Chapter 36

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Note: double upload today, both of which are fairly long chapters. This is the penultimate chapter so this story is nearly finished, these final few chapters are mostly about the band, since we haven't had much band stuff in this story. Just to let you all know this has a lot of outfits in, so if you would like me to create something to show you the outfits then let me know and I would be happy to do so. Please comment, fan etc.. and I hope you enjoy the chapter my lovelies


"Lila get your ass out of bed now. We are going to be late" Melinda yelled at me. I opened my eyes and saw that she was wearing a beaming smile. I groaned and looked at the clock on the little beside table that was next to my bed. It said eight o'clock. Crap we were going to be late. I shot out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom, which luckily was unoccupied.

It was now Saturday morning, one week after the events of me becoming my demonic self, and Chris and I meeting our future selves. On the Sunday after those events we all slept in until one in the afternoon, though Piper didn't mind because she knew what we had been through. Monday was the best day though because we had some amazing news. The song 'Sparks Fly' which was about my love for Chris had reached Number 3 in the charts for the third week running. Now I know that it's not as good as topping the charts, but still reaching Number 3 when we are practically an unknown band was brilliant. Liam Westwood, who after signing us to his label was now our manager, wanted us to shoot a video for the song and had booked us to do it this weekend. Which is why I was up at eight o'clock on a Saturday morning.

Once my shower was finished and I'd dried myself off, I ran out of the bathroom and straight into my room, with the towel around myself of course, to find that Melinda had laid out my outfit on my bed ready.

After I had pulled my underwear on I followed through with the task of pulling on my black skinny jeans and a long sleeved black top with a gray tank top over the top. I left my hair how it was and didn't bother putting any make-up on, since I didn't know what would be done with my hair or make-up for the video. I'm hoping there will be people there to tell me what to do with it. After I was dressed, I slid the watch that Chris had given me onto my right arm and wore my 'Lila' necklace with the rose and triquetra symbol, along with my silver locket, around my neck.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and when I thought I looked appropriate, I rushed out of my room and down the stairs. Before I did anything I ran to the shoe rack and pulled out my black studded military boots before putting them on.

"Lila?" Chris called from behind me and I turned to see him standing next to the doorway that led to the kitchen. I smiled and jogged over to him. He opened his arms and we gave each other a quick hug before walking into the kitchen and taking our usual seats at the counter, where there was already food laid out. Piper was so awesome.

On my plate there was a full breakfast of bacon, sausage, baked beans and fried bread. I grinned at Wyatt who was seated on my left before I attacked the food, feeling like I hadn't eaten in hours, which I hadn't really since I'd been sleeping.

"Are you hungry then Lila?" Wyatt taunted me. I looked at him to see that he'd already finished his food.

"Of course, if I wasn't then I wouldn't be eating would I?" I stuck my tongue out at him. Wyatt frowned and poked me so I poked him back. When he didn't retaliate I grinned and finished eating my food, before taking a gulp of tea and nearly choking on it in the process.

"What time did you wake up?" I asked the boys.

"Before you" Wyatt huffed at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

Dating A Charmed One. Did I Mention I'm Half-Demon?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz