Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to Nan, I hope you are able to pull through this, I love you so much

Note: Sorry guys I did use different fonts on this, but Wattpad is being a pain and not uploading the font change correctly. So what Wyatt writes is in italics and what Lila writes is in bold italics. Okay thanks.


On the way to English Wyatt had stayed by my side and kept my arm in his, not wanting to let go, even when I voiced it aloud. I was sort of worried about what people would think, though apparently Wyatt wasn't bothered.

"Lila?" he whispered as we sat down at our assigned seats, luckily the teacher had put me next to him when I joined the class when school had started up again this year.

"Yeah?" I whispered. He slid a folded up piece of paper to me. I grinned and rolled my eyes. How I missed being normal and sending notes to friends during lesson. What can I say I like learning in school, and being a witch that fought demons meant we sometimes had to miss school. Though Piper tried her best to avoid that.

I unfolded the paper and was met by a blank white sheet. I frowned in confusion before I heard Wyatt mumble under his breath,

"Reveal yourself and show to me, The words written on this sheet." Then the words revealed themselves almost as if some invisible hand was actually writing them in front of my eyes. I started smiling widely. Wow that was cool. Wait a second! This is Wyatt we're talking about here.

'Lila are you sure you're okay? You would tell me wouldn't you?'

I frowned at the paper in front of me, deciding what I should tell him. I decided that the truth was the best.

 'I'm alright I suppose, I've been better but it's nothing that I can't handle. Am I seeing right or did the one and only Wyatt Matthew Halliwell just use magic for something other than killing demons?'

I folded the sheet up again and slid it towards him and tuned into the lesson.

I know that Wyatt is an eleventh grader and I'm only in tenth grade, but in a few of my lessons, I'm not actually with my grade. I was smart enough to be moved into Wyatt's lessons because the school thought I could handle it. It was only in English and Math though.

It just so happened that we were studying poems now until Spring break, which was good considering that I loved doing poems. Being in this grade was more interesting, that and the fact that I still had Wyatt with me. He sucked badly at English, but was better than me in Math, luckily though as we lived together we helped each other out with homework so it wasn't too bad.

The paper landed on my arm and I unfolded it and read.

'Yeah, yeah very funny Lila. Okay if you say that you can handle it then I will try and trust your judgement, though we both know it's wrong most of the time. If you need me for ANYTHING you let me know. I mean it sis.'

I grinned at this and hurriedly wrote my reply before turning to study the poem that had been set. We were doing a cluster of poems about culture. During these two lessons we were studying a poem called Limbo, which I'd found very ironic seeing as how I'd actually dreamed about limbo at one point in my life. I mean the place not the poem.

I heard a noise from beside me and turned to see that Wyatt was hiding his face, by letting the longer pieces of his hair shield him from view. I smiled at him even though he couldn't see and I instantly guessed that he had read my reply. Something warm placed itself on my hand, which my currently lying on my thigh, and I looked down to see that Wyatt had lain his hand upon mine. I turned my hand so that my palm was upwards and twined my fingers with Wyatt's, squeezing his hand as I did so. He returned the squeeze and started to analyse the poem with me, both of us forgetting about the note as neither of us wanted to bring it up.

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