Chapter 15 the return almost

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Tails worked all night and day trying to find anything to change his old friend back to normal but then he thought about checking sonic's wiring to see if there was something he could do so he rearranged some wires and sonic started to turn back to normal but the transformation stopped at his waist so tails did some more rearranging of wires but nothing worked so sonic was now half machine and half hedgehog so tails called up knuckles, knuckles was flying across the city thinking about sonic and if he'll ever see her again he had to lie to tails about sonic to keep it a secret that he's a she but... knuckles thought process was cut off by his phone ringing, hello he said hey knuckles it's me tails I need you to come down to the workshop ok said knuckles hanging up he then changed direction heading for the forest, meanwhile sonic woke up to see something not in the container he was in tails guest bedroom he looked down to see a robot arm and a pair of robot legs but she was wearing no shirt so her cleavage was visible so she got up to look in tails guest closet to see some plain white shirts in all sizes so she took a small in women's and she tried to open the door but she couldn't get her robot arm to work right so she just went out the door with her left arm and she saw tails in the kitchen making breakfast so she walked down the stairs but tripped and fell down the stairs Sonic are you ok asked tails yeah I'm fine just still trying to get used to my new legs she said well I made breakfast he said putting down three plates who's the third person tails sonic asked knuckles because I told him your all right so he's on his way now said tails, hey sonic said tails yeah said sonic I never noticed that part of you before female hedgehog said tails as soon as tails said female hedgehog sonic knew he was talking about her cleavage, um yeah said sonic are they real said tails yeah their real would you stop asking questions said sonic sorry said tails I'm just curious just then knuckles came through the door I see you still lack the ability to knock said sonic I thought you said "he" was all right said knuckles "he" is all right in the sense that "he's" sonic again said tails ok you both know I'm a girl now so can you cut the he crap she said ok said knuckles and tails so now what do we do said sonic well I think I know a way to hide your metal parts said tails sonic then came out of her room wearing black shoes over her metal feet a pair of black pants a black jacket and a pair of black gloves well what do you think said tails I feel like a biker who's lost their motercycle said sonic at least your covered up said knuckles still staring at sonic well lets go knuckles bye come by anytime said tails goodbye said knuckles and sonic well what do we do now asked knuckles I think we should just go home said sonic ok replied knuckles

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