Chapter 14 the transportation

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A very bruised knuckles was carrying a very damaged metal sonic across the city all I need to do is get you to tails and he'll know what to do said knuckles he was mostly talking to him self however because he powered down metal sonic in the battle he jumped rooftop to rooftop until he reached the forest when he reached the forest he dashed to tails house when he got there he freaked out because tails wasn't there and sonic was rebooting so knuckles put sonic in the most damage proof container that tails had and as soon as he shut the door sonic came online knu-zzz-cl-zzz-es said sonic as her programming was taking over she then stood up and started to punch the glass so hard it made the building shake just then tails came in screaming about the building shaking and why there was a metal sonic in his house woah whoa calm down tails I can explain everything you see that metal sonic is sonic I don't know what happened but I bet the master emerald eggman's involved, but why did you bring him here said tails well I thought you could I don't know fix "him" said knuckles well I'll see what I can do so can you please give me some space said tails Fine I'll be back tomorrow said knuckles leaving the house now let's see what we can do said tails

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