Chapter 4

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A week passed. I hadn't seen Harry at all. Was he hiding? I really missed him.

As a took the last bite of my sandwhich I decided to go knock at his door. As I reached the doorstep I knocked a couple of times.

No answer.

After a minute or two.. his mother opened the door. "Oh, hello dear! What do you need darling?" she asked.

"Sorry, i was just wondering if um Harry was here" i responded.

"Sorry sweety but he's out of town... he's with his grandfather out of town. she said with a smile.

My heart weakened. I just stood there smiling at her. Not knowing what to do.

As I backed away, she slowly closed the door. I almost tripped over a stone. The cold wind was blowing in my ear.

I decided to walk back to the house. I sat on my bed and stared at the window.

How the trees shaked with the wind. The cloudy dark sky. I didn't know what to do.

I was so into him.

Did he leave because of me? Did he not like me? I suddenly sprinted towards the phone.

As i held it i remembered i didn't have his number. My hand grew weak and the phone fell on the floor.

I sat back down on the bed. Staring outside the window.

Unexpected Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now