Day 2 (Part one)

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Author's note 

I went back and fixed up Chapter six a bit because I'm bored and it needed to be done anyway. If you want to re-read it, all the changes have already been published. If not, that's cool because I only changed up a few things and made it better. Also, 238 reads? I can't even process how amazing that is. And two votes?? Oh my gosh you guys are too much. Thank you all for everything. I really appreciate it and I really need it in this time in my life. Certain things are happening and I just need to escape, and seeing you guys reading and loving all my stuff really makes me happy. Thank you ma dudes. This is a really important chapter so read on...

He was terrified. He was constantly looking over his shoulder and swiveling his head back and forth. As he walked down the avenue, the leafs scuttled down the empty street, carrying the wind on their backs. He pulled his collar up and kept worrying at his cuffs. He swallowed nervously. He entered the building adjacent to him when the street ended. He produced a gold key and slid it into the lock. It popped open under pressure and he stepped inside. The temperature wasn't any different, if anything it was colder. But maybe it was colder because he knew what happens in this building. Even though he was one of them, he was in never-ending paranoia. He closed the door behind him and the man gave him the stare from across the room. He hated that fucking stare. He knew his mistake. But what would he do?  Would he get punished or worse? He got put in the Dark Room. Only the worst people end up in the Dark Room. What he did wasn't that bad. Surely they can reconsider. He wasn't a bad person. What he did wasn't that bad! He wasn't a bad person! Why was he here?! WHAT DID HE DO?! WHAT DID HE DO?! HE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!! WHY WAS HE HERE!? WHY WAS HE HERE?! IT WASN'T MY FAULT! HE MADE ME DO IT! I PROMISE! HE CAN TELL YOU! HE HAS THE EVIDENCE! IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT! HE'S THE ONE YOU WANT! OH GOD, NOOOOO!!!

Jack bolted awake, sweat streaming down his face and pooling on his collar beneath. He caught his breath; his heart a thumping machine in his chest. He wondered if his insane current dreams had a certain theme to them. Or a story connecting them all. Or maybe he was crazy, and all of this wasn't happening at all. He hoped for the latter. He checked his surroundings. In the bleached, blinding white room with all black furniture, one outstanding wall stood out. It was sort of like an accent wall, but it certainly wasn't for decorative uses. The wall was a bright, vibrant bleeding red color. It was completely covered in sweet wine colored red but the others remained starch white. What did this mean? Jack had no idea. "What am I gonna do?" He said aloud. It felt fantastic to hear his own voice echo back to him, not Anti using his voice. Still, to this moment, he could not get over the fact that someone-no, someTHING, was using his body. And he was just a ghostly spectator. He thought he would never get over that fact; This whole experience will be one ugly, aching scar. How can he revert back to normal life when all of this is over? Whenever he thinks about the situation he's in, he feels a flood of white rage towards Anti. But in the end, he knows he's powerless to do anything about it. 

He viewed the wall with the big screen. Anti was waking up. Jack breathed heavy, his heart weighed down. Anti yawned loudly and stretched all over his bed. Jack rolled his eyes. He thought Anti was enjoying his body a bit too much. Anti cracked his neck by twisting it side to side and cracked his knuckles. Then he cracked his spine and popped his wrists. "Anti, Jesus Christ, quit cracking all me bones! I don't want arthritis!" Anti finished off by twisting his ankles, sounding a sharp snapping sound. "Aww, shut ya mouth. This is how I wake up in the morning. And it's my body, so I do what I want." Jack boiled with rage and yelled into the mouthpiece. "This isn't your body! It's mine ya sick bastard!" Anti grimaced. "Do you ever shut the fuck up? Seriously Jack, ya need to learn when to be quiet, God." Anti said in his Scottish accent. Sean's ears burned. He wanted to scream at him and kill him most of all. He hated Anti. He was singlehandedly destroying his life for his own benefit and he hated him for it. He was gonna kill him. 

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