Day 1 (Part two)

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Author's Note 

Yoooo what's up ma dudes??!1 It's been a long time since I updated, I know I'm sorry! But I've REALLY been enjoying holiday and spending time with the family. So I am officially back and I have SO many ideas for you guys! Please enjoy it's getting goooooood. P.s. 163 views ARE YOU SERIOUS??! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! We're only going up from here fam!!

An hour has passed, and Jack has finally calmed down. He was still in a ball on the floor after what happened. He slowly uncovered his ears and extended his limbs, cracking the joints with a satisfying snapping sound. Sean stood up to his full height and cracked his back. He looked behind him at the living area. The black furniture in the starch white room was back to normal. He was confused. He just destroyed everything an hour ago! He punched through the table, kicked through the chairs and splintered the wood. But now it all stood upright with no marks at all, like he never did destroy them. The furniture, all of it, was undisturbed. Sean brushed it aside. Maybe his head came with a nice little old maid. A good one too. He looked to the TV. It portrayed Antisepticeye packing. He was packing Jack's clothes. From this perspective, it looked like Jack was doing it, with his arms out in front of him, shoving clothes into the luggage. Anti walked around the bed to his drawers and picked up more clothes and other things. "Anti what the hell are you doing? Why are'ya packing all my shite?" Jack asked. "We...are...goin on a trip..." Anti replied while packing more things and trying to fit all the clothes inside while he zipped it up. "Well, where are we goin?" Jack inquired. "You'll see. Now shut up." Anti snapped. Sean huffed, clearly irritated. Anti was using his body for this insane plan of his and he didn't even know what he was gonna do with it? 

Antisepticeye took the luggage and left his apartment. Jack quickly looked around through the TV. The apartment was the same, and by that it was still in shambles, wrecked and all. But one thing was different. Jack quickly looked before his view was blocked. On the two broken halves of the coffee table, there was a map. It looked like a world map. It had three large red circles placed on them in scattered spots. It disappeared from his view too soon. "Anti what was that? What was that map?" Anti rolled his eyes. "I thought I told ya to shut up!" Anti thunked his head on the door, causing Jack to fly forward and slam against the TV. He slumped on the floor in a heap. Antisepticeye wiped the blood from his forehead the door left behind and walked outside of the apartment. He traveled to the sidewalk and stood with his arms spread out. "Ahh...feel that sun? Wow, it's been so long. The sun in the Sixties doesn't feel any different than this one." Anti moved from his spot and continued down the street to the bus stop. He sat down on the concrete bench and waved a hand over his face. His black and purple eyes turned to crystal blue, and his fangs transformed to normal square teeth. He ruffled his green hair and put his beanie on. He converted to Jacksepticeye, the real looking Sean, through one hand wave.   

Jack looked away. Somehow it hurt to have this demon resemble him so effortlessly. Like there was no difference between a monster and the real human. The bus rumbled up the street, sporting the name Bus Eireann. It was white with red stripes with big black tires. Anti stood up and shoved his fist in his jeans pocket to count through some euros. When the bus stopped, Anti bounded up the small metal stairs and gave the bus driver 4 euro. "Where you headin Mac?" The driver asked in a thick Irish accent. He may be from West Ireland. The driver had a cap similar to what Jack wore in his videos, many layers of shirts and gray cut off gloves that revealed all ten of his fingers. He scratched his gray stubble, waiting for an answer. "I'm goin-" Antisepticeye cut off what he was about to say and pretended to cough, but the real reason why is he forgot to switch his Scottish voice off in turn of Jack's Irish one. "What was that lad?" The bus driver asked, concerned. Anti cleared his throat. "Take me to Dublin. Thanks." Sean swallowed. Anti sounded exactly like him. He could have said the same sentence and not told the difference. Anti walked along the aisles of booths looking for a spot to sit. He found one next to the window and put his luggage in between his legs and the chair before him. The bus rumbled to life and started to move down the street, passing by colorful shops and many people walking down the sidewalk. 

In the booth adjacent to Anti and Sean (Respectfully Sean was in Anti's head) there was a teenage boy, 15 years of age. He had light brown wild hair and brown eyes. His skin was fair and he had a big jacket on over a shirt that had the Mortal Kombat dragon logo on it. He had baggy blue pants and red Converse. He shifted one seat over in his booth of two seats to sit closer to Anti, yet the aisle separated them. The boy reached across the aisle and poked Anti in the shoulder. Anti ignored him and kept looking out the window. The boy didn't notice and poked him again. Antisepticeye rolled his eyes and turned over to face the boy. "Yes?" Anti said sarcastically. "'Scuse me sir, but are you Jacksepticeye?" The boy asked. Anti smiled wide. Sean grew alarmed. He raced to the mouthpiece on the control panel and yelled into it. "Anti don't you dare say anything to that boy!" Jack yelled. The poor boy, he thought that Anti was Jacksepticeye. Which, how could he not know? It was better to ignore the fan rather then Anti destroy Jack's career by saying something Jack totally wouldn't say. Anti bumped his hand into his head to wobble Jack around a bit and lose his balance. "Yes I am. One and only." Anti smirked at that. The boy looked concerned. 

"Well, we've all been worried sick! You suddenly disappeared? You alright?" The boy asked. Anti nodded. "Yea, I am. Just goin' on holiday." He gestured towards his luggage. The boy smiled very wide. "Well sir, it's an honor ta meet ya! My name is Colin! Me and me mates are huge fans! Do ya mind if I got a picture wit ya?" Colin asked. Anti ran a hand through Jack's green hair. "I'm not feelin' so good today. Sorry." Colin bit his lip, but didn't want to take no for an answer. "It's just one picture. Can't I just-" Anti whirled to look straight into his eyes, his gaze as sharp as daggers. He locked his eyes onto Colin's and something sealed in his irises, like a combination lock. His eyes turned a deep, hypnotizing purple. "No. What you're gonna do is sit there and forget this ever happened. You never met me, you never saw me. You do not remember this. Leave me alone, and worry about yourself. Now go." His fingers twitched and Colin spun smartly in his seat and stared out the window. Anti stared at the boy for a few more seconds, then his eyes returned to Jack's blue crystalline color. He chuckled to himself. Jack witnessed the entire thing and sank into a nearby cushioned chair, his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. Anti was far more stronger than Jack had ever even guessed. Every time he thought he had somewhat of a grasp of the extent to Anti's power, he always had something more up his sleeve. He had electrocution powers, he was a shape-shifter, he could teleport, and now he can hypnotize people. At this point, Jack should just give up any thoughts on trying to stop Anti from this plan of his. 

The bus ambled on among traffic, stopping at red lights and skirting along the curb to pick up more passengers and let some off. At a certain point, Colin's stop turned up. He robotically picked himself up off his bus seat and walked along the aisles with his brown eyes glowing unusually. He paid the bus driver exact change and left. "Have a nice day." Colin said in a drugged but wired voice. He stumbled over the stairs on the bus and stepped onto the pavement outside. Jack's heart hurt. One of his dear fans was a zombie. Would he stay like that forever? He prayed to God he would return to normal. He mentioned his mates watched his videos too. Would they notice he was different? His mom, his dad, sister, brother? Colin wasn't doomed forever; He wasn't gonna die or anything drastic, but it was hard to see a vibrant, young man being reduced to a normal, dull robot. All because of Anti. Jack hadn't questioned why this was happening to him. Well, he has, multiple times, actually. But why him? Has this happened to anyone else? Having their bad side take over their physical bodies and use them to fulfill a demented, insane plan? Yes Jack, everyone has at least gone through this at least once or twice in their life. A sarcastic voice told him. 

The bus made its way to the outskirts of Dublin. The whole trip was an hour and a half, but to Jack it felt like an added six. Another couple of minutes passed and the bus slowed to the first bus stop in Dublin. Anti stood up and stretched like a cat, raising his arms over his head and curving his back. He picked up his luggage and went along the aisles to pad onto the concrete sidewalk. Many gray yet colorful buildings greeted the demon and the YouTuber. The sky was blue and pink, a contrast that made the horizon a bright purple among fluffy clouds. The air was chilly, but it felt nice. Anti took a long deep breath. "Aahh...nothin's changed since I was last here. Air still smells the same, people still bustlin' around. I should have never left in the first place." Jack wanted to know what he meant, but he guessed he would find out soon. 

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