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"You disgusting creature! Get out of my garbage before I call the Royal Guard!"

A small rabbit child hovered over you, the world's largest lollipop dangling out of his mouth. You couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy at the state he was in. At least he can afford to have clean clothes, you thought bitterly, examining your shirt. What had once been a vibrant shade of [F/C] had long since faded away into a stained brown.

The harsh climate of Snowden had seemed to strip away any former identify you had once clung onto. You often found yourself daydreaming to the times you and Sans had spent in the laboratory. Though you had undergone years of torture and abuse, the slow starvation that you were enduring was its own special form of torture.

Red lights flashed in your vision as the obese rabbit child swung a foot and kicked you in the ribs. There was a slight cracking sound followed by the warm sensation of blood flowing from your chest. You muttered a string of obscenities under your breath before slowly forcing yourself onto your feet.

The child took a step back, uncertainty flashing in its eyes. A [F/C] aura surrounded him as you swept your arm upwards, causing the rabbit to hover several feet in midair. Heat flushed in your cheeks as several monsters paused and observed the scene.

Kill me [Y/N], the demonic voice chided in your ear. You let out a muffled gasp and stumbled backwards. The rabbit child collapsed to the floor and began to shudder violently as black tendrils snaked their ways out of its mouth.

And suddenly you found yourself staring at the lifeless form of Gaster. His knowing smile bore into your eyes as cracks snaked their way down his skull. "This isn't possible," you whispered. There had been enough dealing with Gaster in your dreams, but seeing him while you were awake was a whole other kind of trauma.

Am I going insane? you thought wildly as the tendrils released themselves from the form of the rabbit child and Gaster disappeared altogether.

"Going t-to k-kill y-you..." he moaned and wiped a stream of blood that was trickling from the corner of his mouth. The rabbit's arm was bent at an awkward angle as he lumbered towards you. "I-I'm going to g-gut you like a f-fish and serve you for d-dinner."

With a flick of your wrist, you easily swept him aside. He collided with the brick wall of the alleyway with a sickening crunch. You winced he crumpled to the ground, all four limbs down twisted at angles that they weren't supposed to.

It's necessary, you thought solemnly and began to rummage through the dumpster. You managed to produce a half-eaten apple and a sandwich that had a slight hint of mold but remained relatively edible. One monster's trash is another one's treasure, you realized with sadistic humor and shoved the contents into your back pocket.

Carefully, you examined the body of the rabbit child. The faint rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was still alive, but you assumed that the physical trauma he had endured would render him incapable of recalling the encounter with you. We can't let anyone catch us, you reassured yourself. Any rumor of us at all is enough to send the King rummaging through the town. And how do you think they'll react when they find out we killed the Royal Scientist? I don't think there's a welcome party waiting at the Capitol for us.

You began the trek back home, making sure to cover your footprints with snow every once and a while. Your "home" consisted of a cardboard box that was shoved in the alleyway next to a restaurant titled Grillby's. Random sheets had been used to cover the entrance and ensure there was enough warmth as possible. Garbage cans provided an intricate maze to both disguise you from outsiders and alert you of any prying eyes.

"I'm back," you whispered softly, making sure to knock three times on the base of a nearby trash can. There was a brief moment of silence before the curtain that covered the cardboard box was slowly pushed aside, revealing a glowing set of pinpricks. You felt your muscles relax upon seeing that Sans was safe.

"I brought dinner," you explained, attempting to hide the bloody mess of your left arm.

"Are you hurt?" Sans' voice came as a timid whisper, revealing the week's of trauma and seclusion that the two of you

(Papyrus, did he count? He was about as real as your hallucination of Gaster - )

You forced the flashback to recede and produced the half-eaten apple and molding sandwich. You couldn't help but feel a flash of pride at the food you had produced, it was finally enough for Sans to go to bed with a full stomach. Such a luxury came rarely these days.

"Aren't you hungry?" Sans asked, eyeing the food distrustfully as you tossed it onto his lap. You gave him a weak smile and leaned against the side of the box, hating the smell of decay and trash that your "home" smelled of.

"I'm good," you grimaced as a wail rose up from the opposite side of town. "I lost my appetite."

"What happened?" Sans asked, taking a reluctant bite of the sandwich. He seemed to relish the taste of food, no matter what condition it was in. You felt bile rise in your throat. Though the laboratory had been torture, at least you hadn't been reduced to the shell of the person you were now.

I'm coming for you [Y/N].

You stiffened and slammed against the side of the box, red lights flashing in your vision as your head met solid concrete. You uttered a string of profanities, causing Papyrus to stir in his sleep. "Does he talk to you to?" Sans asked, his gaze never leaving your's.


"Gaster never left," he explains, making no attempt to hide the bitterness that laces his words. Again, you felt nauseated at how cold Sans had become over the last few weeks.

How could it possibly be fair that a spoiled brat like the one I just killed gets to live without the fear of being stabbed in his sleep while we barely get to eat half an apple for dinner? you thought with disgust and eyed the sandwich hungrily, trying to ignore the gurgling protests coming from your stomach.

"He keeps whispering to me, telling me that we're never going to be safe." Sans' eyesockets have gone dark now, devoid of their friendly lights. The emptiness sent chills up your spine. What would he be like when he was older?

"Don't worry," you whisper, pressing closer to him. You felt a slight sense of unease as Sans leaned his skull against your shoulder, contemplating the sandwich. You forced the feelings away and laced your fingers with his. "I'll protect you."

You felt Sans press the sandwich into your hand. "You have to eat, [Y/N]. I don't want to lose you."

"I'll be fine kiddo," you whisper and take a grateful bite from the sandwich, feeling an immediate sense of relief. "Try to get some sleep."

You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself as Sans drifted off to sleep. How can you lose me if I'm already lost?

Fall of the Empire [ Sans x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now