Finding Out You Were Killed

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- Sends all of his workers, guards, anyone that works for him to focus on the man who killed you to try and find him
- Hires four different private investigators
- "I don't care if you can't find anything now! Keep looking!!"
- Finds nothing but finding your killer worth while

- Quits college, finding living his life without you not at all appealing nor is he able to do it
- Never touched your stuff, scared to move anything that you didn't want moved
- "{Y-Y/N}? Can you hear me? I m-miss you so much......"
- This hits him one hundreds time harder then anything has ever for him

- Refuses to believe it, telling himself it's just a dream and that he'll wake up with you in his arms
- Thinks it's his fault for not protecting you enough
- "Please forgive me, {Y/N}..... I-I love you so much....... b-but why did y-you leave?"
- Rejects any offers or roles

707 (Saeyoung):
- Visits your grave everyday, leaving you, your favorite flowers and Honey Buddha chips
- Tears himself up each and every single day because he knew it was his fault
- "I'm so sorry my wrong deeds have put you there......"
- Distances himself from the RFA, despite their furious attempts to reach out

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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