Klara & Harry <3

59 1 2
  • Dedicado a My adorbale scruffy dog - Lou

This is just a one shot between Harry and I so you can see how bad my writing skills are :P I write for fun and I know I'm no JKR so no hating please :)


"Lou! Lou! Come here boy!" I couldn't believe it. I let the stupid dog off the lead so he could have a bit of a run around and he spots a bleedin' rabbit and starts chasing it! My parents were going to kill me. I started running in the direction that the rabbit had gone, but I couldn't see him anywhere. Just as I was about to give up and face the wrath of my parents, I saw my stupid, gorgeous, little scruff-ball on top of this poor guy.

"Lou! Where have you been? I was so worried about you!" I picked him up, freeing the unlucky guy, who was pinned to the ground underneath him. "I'm so sorry about my dog! Oh, you're all muddy!" I stopped talking and took my first proper look at the stranger. His dark blue jeans and hoodie were now brown from all the mud they were covered in. Then I took my first proper look at his face. Gorgeous brown curls and piercing green eyes...

Harry Styles. My dog had just lick attacked 1/5 of One Direction. Now I was even more embarrassed... Calm Klara... He is just a normal person after all. I bet he just wants to be treated like a normal teenager. I know I would. I'd probably hate it if everyone I met treated me differently just because I was famous.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it, I needed a wash anyway. You could make it up to me though."

"Yeah? How?" I asked, feeling seriously confused as to what he wanted me to do.

"You could show me the way to those little holiday cottages in that village down there." I looked to the place he was pointing to and realised that it was my tiny village he must have been staying in.

"Oh yeah, that's no problem at all. I live down there. I didn't realise anyone was even staying at the cottages."

"Well, that's kinda the point. I'm Harry. Harry Styles."

"Yeah, I know who you are. I voted for you guys when you were on X Factor."

"Bu-but you didn't scream or mob me or anything... You don't know how rare it is to meet a teenage girl that doesn't attack us, let alone one who is actually a fan." He said laughing. I could tell he was pleasantly surprised.

"Don't worry, I'm not one of those creepy fan-girls. To be honest I don't understand them. I mean, you are just a normal person right? So I'm going to treat you like one." He smiled and we walked back to the village, just talking and laughing. I kept Lou on the lead, I'd learnt my lesson for that day. I really just let go of my insecurities and had some cheeky, childish fun.

The walk back should only have taken about 15 minutes, but I was really enjoying myself, so I decided to take him the long way back, and we walked really slowly too, just enjoying each other's company. Harry really was just a normal teenage boy.

"Ok, I have an idea. Why don't we take turns in asking each other questions, you know, to get to know each other better."

"Alright, I'll go first. Are you dating Louis?" He burst out laughing. "I'll take that as a no then." I said giggling.

"I do love him though, he's my boo-bear." He said with a big cheesy grin on his face. "Ok, my turn. What's your type?"

"And why do you want to know that Mr Curly?" I said while winking and waggling my eyebrows. "But I guess I'll always go for the guys that make me laugh, because I really do love to laugh."

Harry started pulling silly face after silly face and then I started giggling, probably not looking attractive at all. He then started tickling me and I started laughing uncontrollably, and when he finally stopped he looked at me.

"So, I guess that means I'm your type then."


And the rest? Well, I'll tell you when it happens ;)


Ok, so that was just a taster one shot. Hopefully the one shots I write for you guys will be longer, this one was shortish because it's only a taster :) Comment or PM me if you want one :)

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