Stormy Weather

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I'll tell you when to play the song.


After I transformed I started running towards this Stormy Weather. I grabbed my whip and wrapped it around a lamp post then I swing into the air and flew towards Stormy. I kicked her down and landed on my feet. I guess she got mad because she tried to blow me away with with her parasol but I flew away just in time. I was floating in the air and tried to grabbed her with my whip, but instead something wrapped around my leg and pulled me away from Stormy and I came face to face with the owner of the yoyo?

It was a girl in a ladybug suit. So reminded me of that girl at the park. But since she wrapped me up with her yoyo I had a feeling that we weren't going to get along. "Umm are you gonna unwrapped from your yoyo there still a crazy person out of the loos-" "Who are you?" Oh hell no I know damn well she did not cut me off. "I would love to talk but someone needs a beat down." I spat.
I grabbed my katana and cut her yoyo strings off then ran off into the direction of Stormy. While I was running I saw a black cat flying backwards in the air. I sighed and floated into the air and caught Chat in a cradling position. "Oh hi there Angel." Chat said "Really Chat if your worried about me who's gonna worry about you? " I asked "Umm I gues-" "Me I will" I said "And I'm not taking no for an answer."
I floated back down and let Chat unto the ground. Turned and saw Stormy right in front of me.

She was pointing her parasol
directly at me, she left off a laugh and was about to blast me and Chat but I grabbed the Umbrella and snapped it with my claws. I didn't see that ladybug girl so I grabbed the akuma in my hands, closed my eyes and white glow came off from all around me then a blue light swirled around me making my hair and clothes softly fly up along with me and then going around town fixing anything broken. I slowly opened my eyes saw let go the now white butterfly. "Goodbye pretty butterfly." I said with a whisper.

I turned around and saw Chat wide eyed and mouth hanging low. I smiled at him with my now pink colored eyes and hot pink hair and said "Heaven de-transformed me." with the pink light spun around me and went back to normal. He did the same and said "Oh wow Y/n your awesome." I smiled and replied "Thanks Chaton come on we have to finish our photo shoot." He nod and we made are way back towards the park.

Adrien POV

Wow Y/n is something else. I hoped we can stay friends. We made it back to the park we had one more outfit. It was an interesting choice and wonder if my dad actually made this.

(Umm I'm just going to tell what Adrien is wearing and I'll show you want your wearing. Adrien's wearing a white tux with white slacks, a black bow tie and white dress shoes.

I guess I was getting married because I was standing at an alter. There was extras sitting in the seats. Then there was the little girl that Mari was watching as the flower girl. She was dropping red rose petals, and pearls? On the silk carpet that the photographers put out between the chairs. When she was done she sat in her seat. (Play song)
Then a song started playing, I saw Y/n dad come out and up the doors and there she was. When I saw her I nearly passed out.

Y/n was absolutely stunning. She was wearing a ball gown with a long train it had lots of jewels all over it her hair was up in a bun with some hair out in curls. She had a crown with a long veil. With a bundle of white roses. Her head was down then she slowly lifted it up and she softly smiled at me I returned it with a huge goofy grin on my face. She looped arms with her dad and walked down the silk lane. She looked so beautiful I almost starting crying. She finally made it and sent her dad a smile as he gave her way. Whoa are we actually getting married?
People who were walking past stop and gasped at at they saw.
Then Chloe walked past and saw me in a tux she grinned but it went away when she saw Y/n in the wedding dress next to me. She did not look happy. Then everyone from school came out and looked and some of them screamed in shock, some were crying, some were happy some looked like they wanted to kill Y/n like Chloe. Chloe stomped up to the alter and screamed "I OBJECT, I DON'T APPROVED, NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I was going to say something but Y/n looked at me and gave me a look that said I'll handle it. I smile and stepped back.


I was happy and calm and then Chloe came. She started yelling. I was walked up to her and spoke calmly "Chloe, honey no one cares about what you think, and even if we did Adrien doesn't like you and I don't like you, also this is a photo shoot, this might be real and it might not be but keep your mouth shut." Chloe was wide eyed and didn't say anything else and walked away. But only Chloe heard what I said so everyone else still thought we were actually getting married. So I went back to the alter to get fake married... Right?

No one POV

The pastor walked up to the alter and said the boring stuff and finally said "Do you Y/n take Adrien to be your husband?" She smile and said "I do." Then he said "Do you Adrien take Y/n to be your wife?" He looked at Y/n and said "I do." "Then I pronounce you husband and wife, you may umm hug the bride?" He asked. Adrien smile and walked up to Y/n and her hugged the living life out of her she did the same. They pulled away hand in hand while the pastor said
"Give it up for your new married couple Adrien Agreste and Y/n Agreste!" They turned and smiled to the crowd and Y/n let go of Adrien to throw her flowers in the air. She tossed them into the air and guess who caught it? Heaven! But in human form?
Y/n did a double take and nearly fell if it wasn't for Adrien who caught her. Heaven winked at them then disappeared. Y/n shook her head then took Adrien's arm and walk toward the limo. Y/n and Adrien gave one last smile to the crowd then stepped inside of the limo.

Black Cats Are Bad Luck, Right? (Chat, Adrien X Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now