Just a tub full of ice cream helps the sadness go down

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Winters pov
I got out of my bed. I didnt go to school yesterday;  I didn't want to see him. He's texted me a few times, but I don't want to talk to him rn. A separation and a rejection in the course of two days. I slipped on my slippers and I grabbed my keys and didn't bother changing out of ,y pajamas that I've been in all day. I left the house. I got in my car and started the engine. I texted Jenny (my best friend).
Meet me at Walmart rn plz 🙏.
Code red 🚨
Give me 10
~10 ~ minutes later ~
I was walking through Walmart with Jenny. She was also in her pajamas. We went to the ice cream aisle she threw 2 tubs in our basket. I said "2 scoops make it 3. We're not driving." Jenny laughed. "Is that a reference to Home Alone?" "Obviously. Which one?" "2nd." "CORRECT."
I jumped in the cart while Jenny rode it through the junk food aisle. We got chips coke donuts (of course) zebra cakes appetizers. Then we went to the self-checkout and got back in the car. We watched the Secret Life of Pets and laughed and joked. It made me feel a lot better. I wonder what Isaac is doing right now.

Issac's pov
Was rejecting Winter really the right thing to do? I didn't want to think about this any more, but. Ik my relationship with Hailey is going through a rough patch, but it doesn't mean I'm going to throw it away. Winter, I just don't have the guts. I can't just say yes, too big of a step. But am I holding back because I'm too scared? I laid on my bed, staring at the floor. My arm and head hanging off the bed. I just can't believe she likes me. I don't know what I'll do.

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