Chapter 45 version 1

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VERSION ONE HAS NO MANGA SPOILERS (well, kinda. But nothing too big)


"Marco, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure! What's up, [f/n]?"

I led him into an abandoned supplies room. My back ached from all the constant horseback riding, but whatever. This was way more important.

"You can't join the Military Police," I exhaled quietly.

"What? Why?"

"Because they're keeping secrets. They are secretly hurting people and working with the titans! There are traitors there that will use you to fight against humanity."

Okay, so that may be a slight exaggeration. But I need Jean to join the Survey Corps. 1) He needs to be with his friends. 2) He's too skilled to go to the MPs. 3) I need to keep an eye on him and make sure Jean and Marco are working on their relationship.

"W-what? But I've looked up to them my whole life. Why would I trust you?"

"Because I saved your sorry butt like 20 chapters ago. You can trust me."

"Okay, true. But why would they work against us?"

"Long story, I'll explain in version two. Now, can you promise me that you and Jean will join the Scouts?"

"I can't promise anything on Jean's beHALF, but I can assure you that I will not be joining the Scouts," he replied with a smile.

"Then my mission here is accomplished," I said back with a grin. "See you around! And don't forget to confess to Jean!"

He blushed. "I won't."

The two of us went our separate ways. I couldn't wait to get back to headquarters and tell the titan boy.


Version 2 will be up by tomorrow depending on if I can sleep :)

-Marco (:.^_^.:)

Waking up in AoTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang