Chapter 7

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Hooray for fast updates! This is the third today!

Unfortunately, I am out of ideas. Don't worry, this will continue; I just need some time to think about where this is going since I don't have an ending plan. I'm making this up as I go.

Enjoy :)


We arrived at the Survey Corps HQ an hour later. Everywhere you could see people either training or packing. 'Oh right, they move to the new HQ in two weeks.' I watched as Petra and Auruo seemed to be arguing as they passed us.

"Oi, Petra."

"Yes Corporal?"

"Take Cadet (l/n) to her room." 'Hmm. Cadet. I like the sound of that.'

"Yes sir" she said as I followed her inside. "We'll continue this later Auruo" she stated as we turned a corner and walked into a fairly large room. "This is the room we'll be sharing for a week before the expedition."

'Wait. The expedition!' "Petra, I need to talk to Commander Erwin immediately!"

She looked at me confused for a second before leading me to a more formal looking corridor. 'Hmm. This hallway is a lot cleaner than the others, I bet Levi's office is nearby.'

"Here you go!" she said, breaking me out of my thoughts. As she turned away, I had one more question for her.

"Petra, do you like Auruo?"

She turned into a blushing mess as she stuttered out a "we'll talk later."

I knocked twice on the door to Erwin's office, slightly guilty for interrupting him minutes after we got back. "Name and business."

"Cadet [f/n] [l/n]. I need to talk to you about the upcoming expedition. It's urgent."

"Come in."

I walked in and sat in the chair across from his desk.

"What is it?"

"We have to cancel the 56th expedition beyond the walls."


Welp, that was kinda Levi.

I'll try to make the next chapter longer.

~Marco (:.^_^.:)

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