Chapter 5

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It's been a while. I haven't been doing well physically or mentally so I haven't been updating. I'm also drowning in schoolwork and half to finish half a semester by the 14th. Of course, I'm crumbling under the stress and need an outlet: writing fanfics. I'm just gonna sit and write for a few hours, so expect more frequent chapters.

Enough about me, how have you all been?

Okay, well enjoy this chapter!


"First we will hear the proposals of the Military Police and the Survey Corps."

'Aw man. I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with those idiots. Well, they probably want to kill me because they're scared of the unknown. Even before hearing the proposals, anything the Survey Corps says would be better than going with them.'

"I, Nile Dok, Commander of the Military Police propose that we learn whatever information she has then dispose of her. She poses a threat to humanity because of this knowledge, whatever it may be. Who knows; she could be working with the colossal and armored titans. The point is, we don't know so let's shoot her."

'Wait. That line is from abridged. Is this world a cruel combination of both? Maybe a Slap on Titan is here too...? Ha-ha that would be interesting!'

"And now I'd like to hear the Scouting Regiment's proposed plan."

"As the Commander of the Survey Corps, I, Erwin Smith propose the following: let (f/n) join our ranks, enlist her as a full member of the Scouts. We will learn what we can from her and let her resume her life as a soldier. That is all."

"That's it?"

"Yes. With her assistance, I believe we can defeat the titans once and for all."

"(f/n) (l/n), do you believe the information you have will be enough to clear the land of the titans?"

"My knowledge alone would do nothing. I would need the Military to trust me and accept my assistance. What I know will lead to the downfall of the titans. I know the identities of many traitors within the walls and who is launching these attacks on us."

Nile took this as his opportunity to speak unfortunately. "Care to tell us who these 'traitors' are?"

I thought for a second before responding. "No. I would not feel comfortable sharing this information with so many people. There are traitors, enemies of humanity in this room."

Gasps flooded the room as Zackley attempted to calm them all. I got a few curious glares in particular from the Military Police and Wallists.

"How can we trust you then?"

"In about two weeks from now, you will have a cadet named Eren Jaeger kneeling where I am now. He will be tried for not being human. If my prediction is correct, then I may live as a Scout and assist them any way I can. If not then I will be turned over to the Military Police. That is my proposal."

Everyone stood staring at me in shock, until Zackley asked a vital question: "Commander Erwin, will you support this proposition?"

"Yes sir."

"And (f/n) will be supervised at all times?"

"Yes sir. She will be the responsibility of Captain Levi over the next two weeks or until we need to switch her to another squad based on her abilities."

"Then I have made my decision."


Yay, a longer chapter!

Ooohhh, plot twist with the mix of all Attack on Titan abriged series. I'm trying to lighten up the mood here XD

As always, comment any ideas you may have for upcoming chapters.

Have a great day, freckles!

~Marco (:.^_^.:)

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