Chapter 21 | Final

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A/n: A big skip and I'm sorry but yeah.

3 years later~~~
It had been three years now since the whole car accident thing and my life had changed a lot.

I was no longer in contact with In-jung and I hadn't been in years.

I rarely spoke to b/f/n anymore because she wasn't happy about the fact that I had hurt In-jung emotionally and I was no longer Yoongi's personal assistant.

My life had changed drastically since that time and yet I was still here standing tall.

I had a lot of burden on my shoulders back then but now I felt like I was free.

I had no worries anymore and my life was good.

Then there's Yoongi, He's now living as one of the richest and most successful people ever and he is now married with two kids.

His life also changed after the incident.

His father left and is no where to be found now. Last they heard he was in Mexico but that was almost a year ago.

Good thing though was that Yoongi had reconnected with his mother and they were rebuilding a relationship.

Even after all of the bad hardships we faced we each had grown up better and were now happy.

No more secrets where ever kept in the time I knew Yoongi after that.

"Oh come on, Y/n! You have to give me more information than that." One of my co workers, rose, whines as she tugs at my sleeve.

"That's private information meaning I can't tell you." I say and she frowns.

"Oh come on Y/n. Your husband is practically the richest guy in the world and you can't simply tell me what he's working on next?" She says.

"Do you know what that would cost me to tell you?" I says, scrunching my nose.

"Whatever. Anyways you can go home now. Work is slow and I'm sure your nanny doesn't want to watch children all day no matter how much you pay her." Rose says and I laugh and agree before saying my goodbyes and heading home.

When I got back to my house I payed the babysitter then sat down on the couch with a tired sigh.

"How was work, mommy?" My youngest son, Jae-Sun asks as he hops onto my lap.

"It was good. Did you have fun today sweetie?" I ask as I kiss his forehead.

"I did! Me and Jae-Eun played outside!" He says and I smile over at my other son who was playing with our puppy Holly.

"When does daddy come home?" Jae-sun then asks.

"Right now." I hear and look up to see Yoongi walk through the door.

I still smile just as I always had.

"Daddy!" They both yell as they, along with the dog, run to Yoongi.

"You boys are getting so big." he says and he picks them both up.

I smile as I head over to them too and bend down and gather holly into my arms.

"How was work?" I ask as I place a kiss onto Yoongi's lips.

"Stressful but nothing beats coming home to my wonderful family." He grins as he pets the dog.

"We missed you." the boys say together and Yoongi glances down at me.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Well, did you miss me?" He grins and I can't help but to laugh.

"Of course I missed you." I say which only deepens his grins.

"We'll have to talk later once the kids go to sleep." he says and I instantly catch on.

We didn't get two kids from just kissing if you know what I'm saying.

Wink wink.

"I love you, Daddy." the boys say as they each kiss one of his cheeks.

"I love you." I grin as I kiss his lips.

"And I love you guys more." he smiles and he pulls me into him as well.

We were finally at peace.

A/n: I know the ending came fast and suddenly but I just kept getting the ideas to have a sad ending in this story but I didn't exactly want to do that so I ended it. I think the way I ended it was nice so all in all I think everything worked out the way I wanted it to.
Also, I will be publishing a Jin story very soon so keep an eye out for that. It's my first ever Jin story and after that I would have written one for all of the members. I think you may have noticed that I do tend to write more Yoongi stories even though I'm a Jimin Stan but that's only because I really enjoy working with Yoongi's character. It's fun because although people portray him as a cold guy he's actually a total sweetheart and so that's why I enjoy writing stories for him so much. It works in favor of Yoongi stans though so that's good plus Yoongi is my bias wrecker so 😂✊ Anyways, Since I got off topic, I hope you guys enjoyed this story and remember to watch out for that Jin story that will be coming soon.

Thanks for reading~

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