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"Welcome home honey!" In-jung says once I get inside.

"Don't start with that." I say as I throw myself down on the couch.

"How was work with the devil?" He asks as he sits down on the other couch.

"He's not that bad actually but speaking of him..Why didn't you tell me you had a brother?" I ask and In-jung glances up at me with a serious look I never really see.

"I didn't tell you because I don't consider him my brother." he says and my eyebrows raise.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Things happened." he shrugs.


"I don't want to talk about it." he says without even looking up at me.

"Come on In-jung. I'm your best friend, no?"

"Don't pull that. You know you are but this is personal." he says.

"I know but I wanna know.." I whine.

"Okay but please don't say anything to b/f/n. I don't want to make this a really big deal." he says and I nod.

"Okay so it all started when we were four. Me, my parents, and Yoongi all lived together like a happily family but then our parents started fighting a lot. Since I was so young I don't remember much but I remember one day Yoongi and my father left. They left me and my mother to fend for ourselves and never even gave word of what was happening." He says then chokes back tears.

"Then as I got older my mother told me everything. She told me how my father had left because she refused to let me grow up in the music industry as my father wanted. She didn't want me to be 'corrupted'. I had only saw Yoongi once after that and in that time everything turned bad. My father was a monster who tried to turn him into something he wasn't. Yoongi is afraid of our Father along with my mother and I. I hope I never have to see him but as for Yoongi and I, when I saw Yoongi again we fought and it wasn't just a tiny one. It broke out into a fist fight and after that I hadn't seen Yoongi again." In-jung says and I sit there with my jaw to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, In-jung." I say with a frown.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault." He says with a sad smile.

"I'm glad you told me though. I feel closer now." I smile.

"Close enough to finally date me?" He grins.

"Of course not." I say but he only laughs.

"figured you say that. I should get going though. Just please remember that Yoongi has a dark past and if you flip the wrong switch it might come out. That's why I wanted you to quit. I don't want anything to happen to you." he says and I give him a sad smile.

"I'll be okay, I promise." I say and he nods and gives me one last smile before heading out.

Once he's gone I let out a breath.

I didn't know it was that bad between he and his family.

I had met his mother a couple times and she was a total sweetheart.

I guess you never really know what people have gone through even if you think you know them better than anyone.

I shake the thoughts away and lay back into the couch.

Tomorrow was going to be hectic as well so I needed to mentally prepare myself and the best way to do that is to sleep.

So that's what I did.

Yoongi's pov~

"Where is she?" I mumble under my breath as I look at the time.

It was almost time for her to start working and she wasn't here.

Three more minutes and she was late and I warned her about being late.

Just as it hits one minute left she came running in the door out of breath.

"Why are you just now getting here?" I ask, clearly unhappy.

"I'm sorry. I met up with In-jung before I came and he- well that doesn't necessarily matter but I'm here and it won't happen again. I'm sorry, sir." she says as she bows then walks over to her desk and sits down.

She was with In-jung again? I mean they're best friends so I guess that's only natural.

"Whatever I have a meeting so let's go." I say and she let's out a breath before standing back up and following me out.

In the elevator I look over and notice she looks distracted but I don't ask why because it wasn't my business.

After the meeting we go to see my trainees.

"Hey guys!" Y/n says happily as we walk inside.

The guys had seemed to take a liking to her and they all seemed to click instantly.

"Hey!" they all say together as they surround her.

I guess I'll just leave you in here while I do some paperwork and go to my other meetings." I say and Y/n simply nods and goes back to talking to the other guys.

I head out and go to my next meeting.

After my meetings I head back to the office and start on my paperwork but I couldn't seem to stay focused.

The office seemed empty even though I was used to being in here by myself.

I try to shake the feeling but it doesn't go away.

I let out then head down to the trainee room.

When I get inside I see Y/n dancing with the guys and I had to admit she was pretty good.

"Time to go." I say and they all turn to me and Y/n pouts a little.

"I'll see you guys soon." she says and after hugs we head back to the office where she goes to the corner of the room and sits at her desk.

Surprisingly now the room felt fine. Hmm.

I guess I just need her here in order to work well.

I guess hiring her was the right idea.

My eyes wander over to the picture frame on her desk and I swallow.

Let's just hope I don't regret it.

HIS PERSONAL ASSISTANT || MYG✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora