Chapter Fourty-One

Start from the beginning

Harry felt his stomach sink. Did he go to far?

"Holy shit..." Draco said softly. "we actually were a couple..."

Harry sighed, "Yeah. We were."

"Tell me everything." Draco ordered, "Tell me about when we first started talking for real. When we first got... involved."

Harry smirked, "we were always involved in each others lives. You were a complete arse to me, because I didn't accept your friendship-"

"I know that, you git!" Draco shoved a small square pillow that was on the couch into Harry's face, "I just don't remember anything from this year!"

Harry chuckled and pushed the pillow out of his face, "okay, okay."

He thought back, "Well, really, we only started talking on Christmas break... you said there were rumours flying around about me being gay. In fact, your exact words were 'I've been told recently that you like it up the ass.' Which is an amazing conversation starter," Harry paused to chuckle, "but that arose instant panic... I wasn't out yet - I was barely accepting the fact I was gay - so, obviously, I put it back on you," Harry explained. He felt Draco's eyes boring into him, as if he were the child and Harry was telling him a story about magical beasts.

"Then..." Harry sighed at the memory, "You confronted me about my eating disorder. How I was starving myself. It was the day after you confronted me about the rumours, too, so you definitely weren't on my good side."

"You... starved yourself?"

Harry nodded, "Yes. I did. But the thing was, I didn't feel it. It's not like I really did it on purpose... I just couldn't eat... I was never hungry. I was depressed. It got to the point where I fainted multiple times... the first time I fainted you panicked instantly-" Harry smiled- "you told me never to do that to you again. You were so... worried about me. It made me feel... wanted, and important. You even joined me in a bathroom stall on more than one occasion to help me eat some busiquits - we were in the stall because I would keep puking them back up."

Harry began to feel Draco pity him. He hated that. He hated when people Pitied him. Especially Draco. Draco never felt sorry for him - and that's the reason he trusted himself around him. He didn't have to live up to expectations. He didn't have to pretend to be strong - but now, with Draco's memory gone, it's like he was a whole different person. It made Harry cringe.

"Anyway. There was one night we got in a huge argument... I was on my way to Hagrid's and you were walking down the corridors. You passed by me - I was hiding - and you instantly yelled at me for 'spying' on you. I shot back the fact-" Harry swallowed- "the fact you tried to kill Dumbledore... and then you said stuff about me not having parents, and me being raised by my abusive aunt and uncle, and me being friends with a muggle born - but,of course, you said... the other word - and a Weasley.  Now that... that set me off... I told you... I told you I should've left you in that fire..."

Draco looked away as soon as those words left Harry's mouth, causing Harry's heart to ache.

"But I don't - I didn't - I never, and never will, regret saving you from that fire." Harry stated.

Draco looked up, his eyes warm.

"Anyways... the next day, I thought you were bloody mad." Harry chuckled. "you waited outside of the Gryffindor tower in order to apologize to me. Can you believe it? The Draco Malfoy, apologizing to Harry Potter? I thought you were taking the piss. But you weren't. I guess that's really when we became... okay, I guess. Civilized.

"Two days after that I was walking around the corridors with my invisibility cloak... and I caught you walking out of the room of requirement. You seemed distressed, and you bumped right into me. We fell, we argued, and then we heard Dumbledore walking through the halls... so I covered us with my cloak, and... you were against the wall so there was more room...and..." Harry blushed. "That was the first time we kissed. You kissed me... it was... lovely. I felt the kiss throughout my entire body - but I didn't dare kiss back, as much as my body was willing me to. You broke it quickly and ran off... and wouldn't let me talk about it to you for weeks." This time Harry looked down, avoiding his eyes.

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