"Hmm." I opened the book. Maybe I could give it a try. I am kinda interested.

"That's a pretty good book." a voice said making me jump and turn around.

A short girl with blonde hair and bright green eyes stood in front of me. She smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you," she said moving her hair behind her ear and I relaxed.

"It's fine...sooo this book is good?" I asked and she nodded smiling.

"Yeah, well in my opinion anyway," she said rolling her eyes smiling and I smiled back.

"I'll check out then, thanks," I said and she nodded as I walked to the librarians.

I saw Farley walking to them also. I ran up and hit him gently on the head with the book The Lonely Wandering. He turned around quirking an eyebrow as I shoved the book in his hands and went to the desk then checked out the book. I made my way out the library humming to myself smiling. Hopefully, that girl is right about this book.

By the time I made it back to class the bell rung and that period was over. I headed to band and Clyde was right behind me. Victor was talking to Ms.Housewright at the time we walked in. Farley glanced over at me and waved me over. I got my saxophone and walked over to be met by a hit on the forehead.

"Ow," I said pouting and rubbed my forehead as he held up The Lonely Wandering.

"That's for earlier," he said chuckling then quirked an eyebrow smirking as he waved the book slightly.

"Your really stubborn Oakely," he said and I huffed feeling my cheeks heat up.

"So are you, you wouldn't take the book after I said it was okay," I said sitting next to him, knowing I'd have to move when the bell rung since Ms.Housewright had a seating chart made for us.

"And I said it was okay since you liked it so much," he said moving his hair out of the way.

"But I've read it a million times," I said huffing and he rolled his eyes smiling.

"Well I checked out the book, happy now?" he asked as I felt someone tap my shoulder making me jump and I looked up.

Victor laughed then smiled. "May I have my seat?" Victor asked and my cheeks heated up as I nodded and got out of his seat moving out the way.

The bell rung right on time. We all got settled in our seats as Ms. Housewright begin to take the attendance. I cleaned my saxophone humming. After the attendance, we warmed up. I don't know why we had to sing in a band but we did since the teacher told us too. Once we were done Ms.Housewright told us we would be now working on a piece that would be in our concert.

One of the songs was a classic, Thriller by Michael Jackson and the other sing was This is Halloween from the Disney movie The Nightmare Before Christmas.

"The third song I'm going to let you guys pick but it must be school appropriate." Ms.Housewright lectured.

Of course, I knew some students were going to completely ignore that. Dad and mom always said there always a gas to be a rebel here and there. Papers were passed out and pens for people who didn't have a writing utensil.

How was this exactly gonna work? Most of us would probably write a completely different song. How was the teacher going to choose?
I wanted to choose a song that was Halloween themed like maybe the Ghost Buster theme song. Oh, I could do the version by Fall Out Boy....or maybe not. Some people don't like that song.

That's when the song Zombie hit me. Sure it wasn't really Halloween themed but the name was good and the song was pretty good to me. And most of the people in here probably don't even know the song. So less hate right? But sadly probably a low chance this song will be chosen.

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