Understanding of things

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He shook his head . She looked at her hands.

He didn't understand .

" What do you mean? " He asked quietly , only after a moment of silence .

She looked up , not at him , at the wall across from her .

Her expression was soft . There was something beautiful and haunting about her at that moment , they way her red hair glistened in the artificial light as she moved her head . How her lips were slightly pulled upward . A gentle , tiny smile .

" Your mom was a prostitue , so everyone said --"

" Its true " . He interrupted , clenching his jaw . Afraid .

Maybe now she would really run out .

She turned to look at him . And smiled . "

" Your mom was a prostitute , so everyone said ." She continued . " To them she's the lowest of the low . She's filth . "

He cringed at her words .

" They only judge her from what they've heard . I think women envy your mother's beauty , I've seen the way they look at her . "

She had seen his mother before ?

" I've seen the way men look at her too , they compliment her , try to whisp her off her feet with a few simple corny lines . I've seen men whisper things in her ear , the way her eyes widened in horror . "

Thorpe laughed . " She's fierce , your mother , I saw her slap the crap out of that man ."

Mackenzie felt proud .

Thorpe's expression hardened .

" The men start rumors because they can't have her , women start rumors because they envy her . That's how simple it is . "

He breathed in .

" I don't know her situtation , why she had to do what she did , but I'm sure she had her reasons . You're mothers a kind person . "

He breathed out .

" I saw her before I saw you , my cousin was telling me about her once we saw her enter into a grocery store . I was listening and I was disgusted . "

She paused . He didn't know what to expect .

" Not at your mother , at the words that were leaving my cousins mouth . She was younger than me . But there she was , using language I didn't even use . " She shook her head . " What parenting skills do her parents use?"

" We started walking away , but , I had the urge to turn around ."

" Your mother had just exited the store , a man walked by her , pushed into her shoulder , almost knocking her over . She apologized . For something someone else did on purpose . "

Her last sentence was bitter .

" She was kind , I could see it . I saw her several more times . Holding the door for others , smiling at people when they scowled at her , apologizing for things that ... "

She began sobbing then . Tears streaming down her face .

He reached out to her and held her .

He knew what he would say to her , this time with no plan .

The words would come and he knew they would be alright .

He knew everything would be alright .

" My mother was a prostitute when I was little , she used to have the neighbors watch me , saying she worked late at times . They didn't suspect anything . I didn't even know . I was only three at that time . "

" It decreased , her late night jobs , but they were still there , still happening ."

" Then it happened . "

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