In need of some company?

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" Strawberries aren't even berries but bananas are " .

Strangly enought , he wondered . Had the words formed in his own mind ?

Was he so desperate for attention , that he created this girl before him ?

Was he really in need for anyone ? Yes .

She still sat in front of him , oblivous to all the stares .

Yet no one said anything .

The poor new girl , doesn't know who she's associating with .

Soon she'll know .

He didn't say anything , trying to drop a hint . Piss off .

Either she didn't notice or she was immune to body language .

She reached over , grabbed a strawberry from his tray and plopped it in her mouth .

Her eyes closed slowly , as if she were dreaming , a moan forming in her throat .

" These are so good , I didn't think school lunch had these deliciousness " .

She hopped up from her spot on the bench , making her way towards the lunch line .

She was finally leaving .

Abrutly she stopped , quickly turning towards him . Her mouth moved along with her words .

" I'll be right back " .

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