Just Like Me

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The library was quiet .

Only the librarian made any noise , typing away on her computer .

It sounded so blissful .

He turned the page in his book . The paper crinkling under his fingers .

What an old book .

He read the context , reaching the bottom of the page .

His eyes stopped .

There were the clear marks of sticky fingers , fingers that had left behind different colors .

As if they had been chewing on candy as they read the book .

The only color that wasn't in the meshing of colors was red .

Red skittles had been left behind .

He shut the book quickly , with a loud thud .

Some glanced his way , the typing stopped for a semi-second .

Then life returned to its balance .

He leaned back in his chair , sighing .

He stared at nothing .

For the past few days , he'd avoided her , hadn't replied to her questions and conversations .

He'd done every rude gesture he could think of . But she still hung around .

She still talked , he never replied . But he always listened .

He should her nothing but apathy .

He closed his eyes , leaned his head back . Nose pointing upwards .

Suddenly , she wasn't there anymore .

He didn't see her at lunch , he didn't see her in the hallways , he hadn't even hear her voice .

Her voice .

He groaned in fustration , letting his head bang on the table .

" Sir , if you cannot be quiet I must ask you to leave " . The librarian had stopped typing .

Her voice was harsh , she wanted him to leave .

He pushed the chair back , somehow scrapping it against carpet . It thudded as it fell backwards .

" Mr . Gamewell . Pick . Up . That . Chair . "

He scoffed . Mr. Gamewell .

" Do it yourself , old hag " . He said . Casually walking by her desk as he exited the library . All eyes on him .

" Damn brat , just like his mother . "

He stopped walking , shoving his hands into his pockets , then resumed his walk .

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