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Disgust .

That's what everyone looked at them with .

Not like he cared . Not like she cared .

Hand in hand . They made their way down the hall .

Both laughing .

Laughing at this town , laughing at that part of the world .

" Its unbelievable . "

How could she go with him? "

" She's a stupid brat " .

" Stubborn as hell , still hanging around him . "

He heard the words , but he didn't let them get to him .

Instead he listened to her .

Listened as she talked about nothing and everything at once .

Suddenly , his hand was wrenched from hers .

He slammed into one of the lockers .

" Looks like you got yourself a girlfriend freak , what'd ya do ? Pay her ? "

No one had time for anything , they all just watched as a ticking bomb exploded before them.

" WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY ?! " Mackenzie yelled , his fist colliding with the other boys jaw .

A sickening crunch filled the hallway , the other boy slammed into the floor .

Red was trickling down the other boys jaw as he held his hand there , there was fear in his eyes .

But mostly remorse .

His own hand was throbbing with pain , his mind was throbbing with hate .

Something delicate wrapped their arms around him . He fell quiet .

Everyone looked at him with hate .

They watched in hate as she held him .

They watched in hate as she buried her face in his chest , pleading him .

" Why are you with him? " Came the question .

" You know who he is " . Came another .

" Don't you know about him? "

" He's disgusting , he's filth . "

" Or don't you know who his mother is? Don't you know what a low life those people are?"


" His family is made of robbers and liars and killers, he's just like them " .

Everything seemed to sink in on him , as if he were drowning , yet he was still breathing .

Letting the pain last longer , letting himself drown longer .

He stepped backwards , away from the crowd , he could hear the teachers coming .

His back hit the cold metal of the lockers , he let himself be dragged down by the weight of his reality .

And still , she never let go of him .

His world was caving in on him , dragging him away from where this place was .

Everything went black .

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