Believing in Lily-2

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Lily's POV

"Ugh that was amazing," I squealed.

"I knew you would love it. Just like I knew you would like Justin," Annie remarked.

"Whatever, but there is something about him that makes me weak in the knees. Ugh I don't even know," I confessed.

I honestly couldn't even put my thoughts together. I mean I haven't have one single clue about what he is like and I'm nervous even when he looks at me. I felt flattered that he thinks I'm pretty. No guy has ever given me respect. In fact nobody really likes me or talks to me. I only have my mother and Annie and sometimes our next door neighbor.

"Lily are you okay?" Annie actually sounded concerned for once!

Honestly I wasn't okay. I was extremely nervous to meet Justin. I knew I needed to snap out of it before we walked over. So I began fixing m hair and makeup.

There he was standing and talking to Scooter. All of a sudden he turns and starts walking toward us. We met him half way. His beautifully sculpted face was lined with a wide cheeky smile. Me face was flaming hot, but I couldn't help it.

We finally reached him and I was shaking. Annie just screamed. God, it was so fucking annoying.

"Hi, I'm Justin. As you already know," He laughed. It was so cute.

"I'm Lily and this is my loud and obnoxious sister Annie." Annie shot me a look, but I didn't care. How could I care about anything with this angel standing in front of me.

"H-h-hi," Annie stuttered.

"Hello," Justin smiled.

God he was so hot.

"So, Lily, I was wondering maybe you wanted to hangout sometime. I mean it is a lot to ask, but I'm only in New York for a couple more days. I really think you ae cool and not like the other fans," he gushed.

Oh my fucking God! Did Justin Bieber ask me out? And was nervous about it?

"Of course! I would love to." I tried to calm myself down so i didn't sound like a complete idiot.

"AHHHH Lily you lucky bitch," Annie shrieked.

Justin chuckled," So um Lily why don't I get your number and I'll text you tomorrow?"


After we exchanged numbers and took a picture with him we hurried back to the car. By this time it was already 2 in the morning and I had a huge Chem test tomorrow. Well technically today.

"I love you so much Lily. You are seriously the best sister ever! If it weren't for you I would never have met Justin." Annie cried and hugged me. She never does this so it was kind of comforting that she still had it in her.

When we got home I walked straight upstairs to tell my mother the great news and try to get some sleep. Before I could even get to my room I over heard my mother talking, no crying, over the phone.

"Please Johnathan . Don't do this. Don't show up here like this. The girls never want to see you again. Especially Lily. And after what you did to her she has gone through hell and back. We filed a restraining order against you and if you break that within one inch we will send you back to jail."

Johnathan? As in my ex-stepfather Johnathan? I ran into my mothers room and demanded she give me the phone.

"Listen you fucktard. You are probably the most psychotic person I know. If my father was a live he would beat the living sheet out of you. Stay away from my family and if you don't we will send you back to that hell whole."

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