Lovely moments (Chapter 49)

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Mia walked out the living room with the twins following behind. Axel gripped Mias hand making her look away. Ace gripped her other hand, she looked down hoping they wouldn't see her blush. "Where to?" Ace asked. Mia shrugged, "I could use a walk in the forest." Mia smiled. Y/n walked towards the three hand in hand with Jeff. "Hey kids." Y/n smiled and hugged Mia. Mia smiled and hugged her grandmother. Jeff, her grandfather high fived her.
After a while after Mia was born Y/n and Jeff got married right after Ben and Da/n.
Mia gripped the twins hands and guided them outside. She went behind the mansion and found their secret spot in the forest. Mia sat down as the twins followed. Axels head lay on her shoulder as Ace fiddled with her fingers. Both boys were her everything, she loved them both....
But one problem, she doesn't know who she loves the most.
All three lay back on the grass and looked up at the clouds. "Look a heart." Axel pointed to a cloud. "Actually it's a tiger. "  Mia grinned as the twins rolled their eyes laughing.

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