Bad Morning? (chapter 29)

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I woke up to the sound of grunts and huffs. I got out the bed with a groan, last night Smile and I played video games. After that I couldn't go to sleep because I was excited that My mother and the others are arriving the next day. I looked through my window and looked down, Masky was fighting someone. It looked like a guy but I wasn't quite sure, the person held a staff and was sparing with Masky. "Ugh you just had to do this in the morning." I mumbled going to my closet. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, a baggy white shirt, a big black hoodie and white and black vans. I pulled my hood up and went to the bathroom, I brushed my hair and splashed water in my face. I had tiny bags under my eyes but I felt a little sick. I pulled up my hood once again and walked down stairs, no one was in the living room nor the kitchen. 'Weird.' I thought. I grabbed some bread and made toast, after chomping down the toast I went to walked outside but my head started pounding. I fell forward hitting the ground with a thud, my head pained and my vision blurred.
I looked to the floor as tears fell. "D/n come on please don't cry." A boy said hugging her. His scent filled her nose and she began to calm down, he was a little taller than her and seemed older. He had black hair and blue eyes with pale skin and a skinny frame. She didn't recognize him but she seemed to know him, "I don't want you to leave." I said tightening the hug. "I'll come back okay?" He said as I nodded
I sat up and blinked away the black dots. I was still in the living room on the floor, my head hurt like hell and I could still hear everyone cheering. I shook my head and tried to stand, I stumbled a little but I managed to stand up straight without falling. I didn't feel like facing everyone and I didn't feel like being nice to whoever was there so I decided to go out back. I walked into the forest and found my usual tree, I grabbed the branch and pulled myself up. I sat on the highest branch and leaned my back against the tree, it was calming and relaxing but I couldn't get the feeling of dread in my stomach.

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