Chapter 9

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Marina's POV

Once I was sure Lana- Elizabeth.. was asleep, I leaned back slightly and admired her quiet, relaxed facial expression. She looks much more like an Elizabeth than a Lana. I smiled softly. With her mouth slightly open with heavy but small breaths coming out at an even pace, I thought to myself.

I found myself thoroughly... intrigued by Elizabeth. She was different, in so many ways.. Good ways of course. As I continued to stare at her I aimlessly hoped for a quiet voice in the back of my head to answer my endless questions about her, but that voice never came, nor showed any sign of existence.

I closed my eyes in hopes of slumber but later, being an hour later, I realised there was no use in hoping Anymore, I just accepted the fact sleep wasn't an option without my sleeping pills which I only bought 2 of and had used the previous night because I'm a genius.

I sighed and sat up brushing my hair up into a messy bun before quietly stepping out of bed making sure to cover Elizabeth back up with blankets as she stirred from my disappearance. I padded my way to her glass sliding doors which led to her cozy little balcony. I slowly and as quietly as possible, unlocked and slid open one of the two doors.

I stepped outside and leaned against the balcony railings, looking at the stars above me. I gently tucked loose strands of hair behind my ear and smiled thinking back on what had happened the past two days with Elizabeth.

I heard quiet footsteps from behind me and immediately felt guilty for waking the auburn haired girl. She stood next to me and leaned her head against my shoulder as I put an arm around her trying to keep her warm.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a small yet slightly hoarse voice.
"Yeah I'm okay, I just don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, I didn't bring extra sleeping pills." I said rubbing her bicep gently with my thumb.
"I can stay up with you if you like?" She said looking at me.
I gave her a small smile noticing the small bags that had formed under her eyes. "Go sleep love, I know you're tired, I'll be okay"
She shook her head being as stubborn as ever.
"Oh! I think I have  some sleeping pills in my bathroom cabinet, go have a look"
I nodded making my way to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet seeing various sets of medication until I spotted the familiar bottle which was home to the drug I relied on to drift off into another world.

I smiled to myself and popped two in my mouth washing them down with a glass of water.

I walked back into Elizabeth's bedroom to see her still stood on the balcony leaning against the railings like I had been earlier. I took the chance to snap a quick picture of her with my iPhone because she looked rather inspirational. I locked my phone and walked out to her hugging her from the side. A gesture she gladly returned.

"Find what you were looking for M?" She asked gently as I nodded.
"Come on then" she grabbed my hand gently and led me back inside making sure to lock the door behind me. I slipped under the familiar smelling covers and waited for Elizabeth to join me, which she soon did. I took the chance to cuddle back up to her and she had no intentions of declining as she gently and securely, wrapped her arms around me.

I sighed in contentment as I let the warmth of her surround me like a hug.. well now that I think of it, it was kind of a hug.
"Thank you.... For everything You've done over the past few months, it's made my life a shit tone easier" I said quietly looking up and at her meeting her eyes. She smiled down at me shaking her head. "Go to sleep Marina" she chuckled softly, As did I. "goodnight Elizabeth" I said as the sleeping pills started to take a hold of my mind and body putting me in a place of peace.

"Goodnight, love" she said in barely a whisper.

Short chapter, I know and I apologise deeply I've kind of just had a derailed train of though lately. BUT WE HAVE ALMOST REACHED 200 READS that is honestly so fucking insane I don't know how to thank you enough. But as always, I'll love you and leave you. Byeeeee 💞

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