Chapter 8

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Lanas POV

After a while of just watching movies and scoffing food, I decided it was time to go and pick up the cake I had ordered for Marina's birthday.

"i'm just gonna pop into town and get some smokes okay?" I said rather unconvincingly.
"can I come?" She asked and I panicked because she could see the cake.
"yeah of course" I said and she gave me a strange look. I knew I sounded nervous but did I really sound THAT nervous?.
"You okay?" she asked.
"yeah yeah i'm good its just really hot in here, cool i'll meet you in the car" I fake smiled and ran downstairs and getting into the car. We had planned to go for a walk so we were already dressed but of course, Marina decided she wanted to be lazy and cancel the plans.
When she got in I drove to the cake place which so conveniently, was right next to a tobacconist.
"Hey Marina can you do me a biiig favor?" I put my puppy dog eyes on
"Mmm ok what" she gave in
"can you race down to the dairy over there and grab some chips? I don't have any left at home"
"okay but you're paying" I and handed her the money frowning and she left chuckling to herself. When she wasn't looking I darted into the cake shop and darted back out putting the cake in the boot, then I got around to actually buying some smokes.

I got back into the car and waited for Marina. She got in eating a lollipop and I frowned.
"Really?" I asked.
"What? there was change" she tried to hold in a laugh.
I shook my head and started the car.
"Don't worry love, I got you one too" she handed me an apple flavored lollipop and I smiled.
"okay because you were so considerate, i'll think about not kicking your ass." I said
She just laughed and we drove back to my place.

"ill meet you upstairs, go choose a movie" I said
"okay" she agreed and I internally sighed in relief.

I got the cake out and took it into the kitchen grabbing a big knife so she could cut it. I put 18 candles in as that's how old she was turning and headed upstairs with the TOP tickets in my back pocket.

I put the cake on a table outside my room and walked in.

"Close your eyes" I said bluntly.
"what? why?" She asked
"Marina just close your fucking eyes and don't peek" I said pretending to be pissed.
"okay okay geez" she said doing as told.

I tried not to laugh and grabbed the cake. I walked in singing happy birthday and she looked like she wanted to cry out of happiness. I held the cake out infront of her once I finished singing.
"make a wiiiiiish" I said with a genuine smile. She giggled softly wiping the tears from her eyes and thought for a moment before blowing the candles out. I smiled and put the cake aside. And the second I did so, I was engulfed into a giant bear hug.
"thank you so so much" She said rocking us side to side slightly.
"heyyyy you really didn't think I didn't know your birthday did you?" I laughed.
"Well I don't recall telling you so.... No, I didn't think you knew" she chuckled
"okay now close your eyes again" I said 
She did a fake sassy sigh and did as told.
"Okayyyy now put your hand out" She stuck her hand out and I placed the tickets gently in her palm.

She looked down and literally looked like she was going to pass out. She snapped back into reality and screamed hugging me tighter than before.
"You're very welcome" I chuckled at her state. 
"oh my god you're honestly the best friend ever like EVER" she was speaking almost too fast to understand.
"Marina calm down" I laughed.

After a while of her continuously saying thank you, she cut the cake, we pigged out and then went to coney island. We were there for about 4 hours, and in the space of that time, we spent a shit tone of money but it was so worth it. It was amazing seeing her smile every second of every minute and to know I was part of the reason just made it even better.

We got back at around 11pm and sat on the balcony just talking.
"So he lead you on?" I said in a wtf tone.
"Yeah" she sniffed.
"What a bag of shits" She giggled softly at my insult then sighed sadly wiping the running mascara from underneath her eyes. I guess she wasn't good with bringing up bad past experiences.
"Oh Lana how I hate those guys..."
"You'll find someone M, and you'll be glad you went through this because it teaches you what to look out for" I smiled sympathetically at her.
"Thank you so much for today, it means a lot" She said looking at me.
"It's fine, honestly, any chance I can get to make my best friend happy, i'll take that chance without hesitation" I smiled at her.
We stared at each other for a few moments. God was she gorgeous in all the right ways. Her smile is like the light I need when i'm in the dark and he- 

My train of thought was cut off when Marina started to talk again. "it's getting late, i'm gonna go to bed" she got up and walked inside. She popped her head back out "you coming?" She asked. "yup" I stood on my cigarette and followed her inside locking the balcony door behind me. I got changed into sweats and a tank top and turned the light off getting into bed.

I lay down and think to myself once again, wondering why i'm almost attracted to Marina. Actually, I know I am but I don't want to admit it to myself and especially not her. I'm supposed to like boys and Marina is my best friend. I wonder if I keep telling myself that, i'll learn to believe it. 

I sighed and rolled over to face Marina who was already looking at me. "You okay?" she asked.
"Yeah i'm gucci" I replied smiling cheekily.
"you're such an egg" she laughed softly.
"Im seriously starting to wonder how I survived these 17 years and 9 months without you Lana."
I laughed "same to be honest" I said and pulled the blankets up cause it was cold.
"Cold?" she asked. I nodded in response and to my surprise she opened her arms. I looked at her confused. "Do you want cuddles or do you want to freeze ?" I scooted closer to her and ended up being the big spoon because I was taller than she was. Now that I think about it, she's quite short.

"Marina?" I said quietly.
"My name isn't really Lana" 
"What do you mean?"
"My name's Elizabeth, Elizabeth Grant. I always hated my real name so I thought one day, if I do make it in the music industry, that's what I wished to be called so why not get used to it now?. That's when I changed it to Lana Del Rey... not legally changed it though, just changed it to the point where everyone knows me by Lana." I said unintentionally rambling "apart from my family, you're kind of the only one who knows now" I added.
She rolled over in my arms so she was facing and looking up at me. She looked confused.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she asked.
"I don't know" I said being completely honest. I looked down at her. "But please don't call me Elizabeth, if you must, call me Lizzy... and if you can help it, stick to Lana in public..?" She smiled lightly and nodded. 
"I think I can handle that" she sad quietly.
I yawned quietly and kissed her forehead. "Happy birthday" I said closing my eyes.
"Goodnight Elizabeth" was all I heard as I drifted into a state of dreaming.

A/N ----------------------------------------------
I'm so sorry that this update is so late, i've just got a lot of shit going on with my family and stuff and i've not been in the right mind to write. But anyways, thank you guys SOOOOO much for getting this story to 140+ reads, it means the world to me. I hope you have an amazing day, byeee <3

Idle Teens - LarinaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora