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— • ❃ • —

"Clarke, you have to get out of bed."

"What's the point?" Clarke mumbles, hiding her face under the sheets. She doesn't want to face anyone. She doesn't want to disappoint. She doesn't want to let her down. She hasn't left her bed, their bed in days. She's trying to save everyone, but it isn't good enough.

"You need to wash and eat," Lexa says, standing over the bed with her hands on her hips and staring down at her, "Come on, I know it's hard, but all you need to remember is that you're trying, we're trying. If that's not good enough, then they don't deserve you."

Clarke peeps over the cover to face her. To face the one person who could make everything feel better. And she smiled.

"I'll let you do my hair..." Lexa persuades, holding her hand out for Clarke to grab, she gently smiles with her eyes. Just her eyes alone could show how much she cared for Clarke.

"You know I'd never be able to turn that offer down." She laughed, perching next to Lexa who had already wrapped Clarke tightly in her arms. Her warmth radiated through the girl, which only made her break at the thought of letting Lexa down. At the thought of loosing her.

She presses kisses to Clarke's wet cheeks and rocks her back and forth as she cries. "It's okay, Clarke. You're more than what I deserve, and you're my everything. If they can't see how special you are, just know that there's always one person who can. Always."

— • ❃ • —

"I want to die."

"Clarke, stop," Raven sighs, gently slapping Clarke's hip as they lay together in their dorm beds, blankly staring at the ceiling

"Did you see her, Raven?" Clarke asks, her vision blurring a bit as she stares upward. "I didn't even get the chance to talk to her, I just ran away," Clarke shrugged, scrunching her face up in disgust.

"Yes, I did see her. And I also seen the way she looked at you," Raven replies, turning her head to smirk at Clarke. "Like she had finally found what she's been missing."

"She hasn't missed me because she doesn't know me."

"She does too."

"Does not."

"Lies. Lies. And did I mention lies?," Raven shrieked, practically straddling Clarke as she repeatedly slapped her arm with excitement. Raven knows the truth. She knows that Clarke knows the truth. Clarke knows that Raven knows the truth. They know the truth.

"Ouch! Quit hitting me!-"

"She knew you," Raven smirked, adjusting herself to lay next to Clarke, who was blankly smiling towards the ceiling.

"God, she's beautiful."

"You're telling me. I call dibs."

"She's in my dreams, Rae. She doesn't even know you," Clarke giggled, wrapping her arms around her best friend who was no doubt fantasising about the girl.

"I'm kidding. You do have a boyfriend though."

"I know."

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