"Really?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Adam was the one supposed to drag them not the girls dragging him. Like why would girls just walk over to a boy and tell him to take pictures of themselves naked? Isn't it just like sending nudes or something?

"Yeah. Either ways we were the ones who made him take pictures of us like 'that' and we are perfectly fine with it." She scoffed. "We even got more followers on Instagram because of them, thanks to him."

"That sounds weird." I muttered and looked away.

"I know but who cares." She rolled her eyes. "Besides you're the only girl I know that Adam has ever cared about."

This made me look at her astonished. I think my cheeks were starting to flush again.

"He's been acting strange ever since that wedding. He doesn't come over to the bar much, only when he wants to drink. And when he does, his mind is far away." She smirked and patted my shoulders. "You really did a pretty job in bringing that boy down. Been waiting for karma to let him taste his own medicine."

With that, she walked away into the changing room behind me.

I stood there speechlessly and stared at the spot that Keisha was just standing on few seconds ago. Did she just mean everything? I mean did Adam really have emotions towards me after all what he said?


"Hey girl where you been?" Hayley said the moment I got back to the table in front of KFC.

"Just went to the bathroom and a little drama happened. Not ready to talk about it either." I said the moment I sat down.

"Where's Tyler?" Grace asked.

"He said he's got to leave. And he also said he had an amazing lunch with you guys." I snorted.

"Like it was that amazing." Hayley scoffed. "It's my turn to go to the bathroom now. Be right back."

She stood up and left Grace and I alone.

"Let me guess. You caught up with Adam?" Grace spoke up with a smirk.

"Sadly yes." I rolled my eyes.

"Kaleb has been telling me about how he has not been the same since that wedding."

"And I don't need to hear about it. Thank you."

"I really don't know what went on with you guys but I will keep praying for you two." She added.

"Grace?" I looked at her.

"Mhmm?" She looked back curiously.

"Do you really believe in prayers?"

She furrowed her eyebrows and nodded. "Yes, why?"

"Do you remember when you told me over the phone to pray about anything that was bothering me few months back? Right before Jenna's ball."

She nodded suspiciously.

"Well I just want to say thank you. Because my prayers did work."

"You're welcome..." She trailed off. "But what did you pray about?"

"Adam." I bit my lips and looked at her. "I don't know why I prayed for him to be with me but I just did and surprisingly it happened. He came back."

"Isn't that so sweet?" She pulled an awe expression.

"But why did he come back for the wrong reason? Why did he come back to use me?" I stared at her with concern.

"I don't have the questions to that Naomi. Have you tried finding out if he was just actually trying to use you?"

"He keeps trying to explain things to me but none of it makes sense." I shook my head and tried to stop myself from getting emotional. "The worst part is that he lied to me! He lied to me Grace. Why was it so hard to just tell me who he really was?"

"Look Naomi," she sat up and sighed. "He was only trying to protect you. We all were."

"We?" I frowned at her.

She looked away suspiciously and cleared her throat.

"Grace what are you talking about?" I stared at her.

"We all knew. I knew. Hayley knew. The other girls knew."

"How long have you guys known?" I shut my eyes.

"Ever since I started dating kaleb. After he told me, I told the other girls-"

"You guys knew since then and nobody informed me?!" I cut her.

"Look I tried telling you but kaleb-"

"But Kaleb what?! Grace I am your bestfriend and you hide something like this from me?! You knew he was a college 19 year old boy and you refused to let me know anything about it!"

"No Naomi-"

"You didn't even give me hints? The worst part is this is not the first time you're hiding something from me. You've done it three times now! Why are you like this Grace? I thought we were real best friends." I became furious.

"Naomi this one was really deep. I could have told you but this was Adam's business not mine." She mumbled.

"I don't even know why I am still sitting here. In front of the most two-faced person I call my best friend." I stood up furiously.

"Naomi wait." She stood up too.

"What's going on?" Hayley said from behind me.

I turned to give her a glare too and she looked back at me confused.

"Go ask your wimp partner in crime." I shook my head and tried to walk past her but she blocked my way.

I glared at her and she looked back at me furiously to my last statement. Before she could say anything else, I brushed pass her and made my way down the escalator.

Who needs friends when all they do is pretend behind your back? They knew I didn't know something about Adam and they just played along like everything was perfectly fine. They didn't bother questioning me about why I got into a relationship with Adam when they knew that something like this would cut me off.

I couldn't just take it anymore from anybody. Everybody was starting to get on my nerves and it was so disturbing.

I only came to the mall to shop and have fun with my girls and suddenly I bump into Adam, Tyler tells me he has a crush on me, Keisha says she compelled Adam to take that stupid porn thing they call a 'picture' and she also tried to sweet talk me about how Adam cares about me. Grace does the same thing too by adding Kaleb into it. Do they think I will just fall for it like that?

If they really knew what it was like to be lied to and insulted by someone you cared about, they would have a big idea to why I was not taking it easy with Adam.

Neither was I even going to take it easy with him. No one and nothing will.

Thanks for 2.2k reads🎈

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