Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

When you're insecure, remain insecure forever until he makes you feel the way you want to feel.

'Oh God Naomi you're not that ugly to have such a silly thought.' A voice in my head said.

'Yes you're ugly Naomi.' another voiced came to my head.

'Don't listen to that voice. Maybe Adam left you stranded for a purpose.' the first voice said again.

'No he didn't leave you for anything. He only left because you're ugly.'

Screw the Angel and devil thoughts in my head. What matters now is that I need to finish getting my clothes on and leave as soon as possible. Probably do something better for my Friday evening.

I've been so confused about why Adam just walked away from me after turning me on. Or was he even trying to turn me on? Maybe not.

I was still in Adam's guest room or 'room of earth' getting my clothes on as my bra and underwear were already on and I'm trying to get my jeans through my legs.

Adam walked away from me like few minutes ago and what else can I do but get dressed. The photoshoot was over and what else was going to happen next but go home? Nothing.

I forced my super skinny jeans to go up my waist but it was making me loose control. Wish I got an elastic one.

The jeans finally get up to my waist and I felt like I could breathe again. Phew that was not easy.

The door swung open and Adam walked into the room without any haste. I looked at him and ignored his presence as I zipped my jeans while standing beside his office table.

"You leaving soon?" He asked while leaning on the door not far from where I was.

"What else do you want me to do?" I fold my arms and looked at him. I knew I didn't have a top on and my bra was everywhere but getting shy of Adam after seeing me naked was making me more confident this time. Thumbs up Naomi.

"Maybe you could stay over for a movie or something nice." He shrugged and looked at me.

I don't know where that was coming from but it was a bit unusual for Adam to ask me to stay over his house after any activity was done.

"Do you want something from me?" I raised my eyebrows to be sure if everything was okay.

"Uhmm.." He sounded unsure as he was looking at me, only to realise his eyes were landing on my body.

Now this was getting interesting. I put my hands down, letting my whole bra show this time without caring about my insecurities. He looked away probably shy because I noticed.

"I think maybe you should put on your shirt first." He said still looking away.

"What's wrong with my body? Scared of the vitiligo?" I put my hand on my chin and consciously looked at him.

"Nothing. They're really perfect. I just need you to put your shirt back on."

"And if I don't?" I smirked.

He looked at me. His eyes fixed on my face.

"You might regret what I'm going to do."

This was getting way more interesting!

Challenging him I continue smirking and asked, "what are you going to do huh?"

"Look Naomi I'm serious. Just put your shirt back on." He looked away again.

Naomi [Wattys 2017]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن