Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Basically, during the whole wedding service, I was quiet. Adam was a bit curious about my silence but I pretended that everything was fine.

Although it wasn't.

Adam's argument with his dad earlier this morning was based on who the photographer of the wedding was going to be. The hired photographer for the wedding wasn't going to show up soon and Mr Richardson suggested that Adam should be the photographer but Adam, being the stubborn son, said he wasn't going to do a single shit for his dad's wedding and that was how the argument started.

Fortunately, the photographer showed up at the church service.

After that, Adam still had another argument with his dad after the church service and this got Adam extremely mad and he decided to drink alcohol to get his pissed mind off. To be honest, drinking wasn't helping the situation.

It was now time for the wedding reception and I was sited on a table in the middle of the reception hall with Adam and his bar friends; Kaleb, the twins; Shawn and Spencer, and Keisha. Adam was sited on my right side, drinking his third cup of champagne. He was already in a drunk state and it seems like after this cup, he was surely going to get really drunk.

Being a bad girlfriend, I didn't stop Adam from drinking right from the first cup because my mind has been on the pictures I saw few hours ago. Anxiety and frustration kept coming over me every time I think about it.

"You okay Naomi?" Kaleb asked from his seat beside Adam.

"Yeah I'm good." I lied and smiled at him. "Just thinking."

"Thought so." He smirked and turned to Adam. "Man you need to get over this drink before you explode."

Adam who was taking a long sip from his glass doesn't answer until he finished it and dropped the glass on the table.

"That's my plan buddy." He smirked in his drunken state. His eyes looked tired and his body seemed to be moving and couldn't stay in one place.

Gosh I hated seeing Adam this way.

"You've got to quite it. You have family and friends around." Shawn pointed around. "Especially your younger sister who might end up crying before the day ends."

"Screw that shit." He rolled his eyes.

"Adam!" Kaleb elbowed him. "Don't say that man."

"He is clearly drunk man." Spencer snorted.

Keisha and I watched them quietly without saying a single word. I could have said a lot if I was really in the mood, unfortunately those pictures from this morning still kept taking away my emotions from caring about anything that was going on with Adam.

Silence suddenly fell on the table.

Adam who was supposed to be the one guiding this table was drunk and useless. The rest of the table didn't know what to talk about. Kaleb and the other boys just picked up their phone and started typing.

Eventually, my eyes turned to Keisha who was already staring at me. Suspense and curiosity was in that stare. It seemed like she was suspecting something was up with me and Adam. Or just me against Adam. It seemed like she knew that I had figured something about Adam. And yes she was right, I have.

Keisha took her gaze away from me immediately and looked through her phone. I sighed and did the same when I suddenly saw a text from Grace.

'Jenna is at the wedding too.' She wrote.

My mouth gaped open. How could I forget Jenna was Adam's cousin.

Definitely she was always going to show up.

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