Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up to another beautiful Saturday morning. I stood up from my bed without any usual headache because you know it's the weekend.

I picked up my phone and headphone so that I could play a song to make me happier than I feel and guess which song I played? Friday by Rebecca black.

I know it sounds crazy because it's not Friday but even though it's the weekend. I climbed my bed and started dancing and singing out loud.

I don't know what got into me but I know it's just happiness. I don't even know why I'm just so happy, I mean it's just a normal Saturday so why so crazy?

"Partying partying yeah! Partying partying, yeah! Fun fun fun-" I continue singing.

"Naomi!" Someone cuts my singing.

I paused my song. And looked at my mum.

"You're so loud." Mum says.

I groaned. Is this what my mum came to tell me.

"Is that all?"

"Nope, your friend came over."

Who would come to my house by 8.30 am on a Saturday?

My mum shifted and to my surprise I saw Hayley walking into my room and my mum leaving. She looked at me and grinned.

"Uhh hi Hayley, what are you doing here?"

"You forgot this with me." She handed me one of the small shopping bags. I took it from her and checked to see the blue dress we bought yesterday.

"Thanks." I smiled at her. "But why did you come so early?"

"To drop it." She shrugged.

I just slowly nodded to her weirdness.

"Anyway, I also came to spend the day with you." She grinned.

"Ohh umm okay." I cheered.

I was actually freaked out.

I got down from the bed and sat on the ottoman and gestured for Hayley to sit in the bed.

"So you have nothing to do today?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She shook her head.

"Not even shopping?"

"Come on it's not everyday I must go shopping." She scoffed.

I chuckled.

"Yeah! So that means you're going to stay home all day with me right? Because I don't go out on a Saturdays."

"No problem." She snorted. "We can do fun things at home right?"

I nodded and grinned. I must try my best to make sure she has fun in this house.

"Anyway, you were really loud when you sang."

"Was I that loud?"

She nodded.

I found my cheeks burning.

"But you have a great voice anyway."

I looked at her with shock. "Me?"

"Yeah! I don't think you've sang in front of anyone so you wouldn't know."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"Don't thank me, it's true." She scoffs.

"Could you excuse me, lemme go and have my bath."

She nodded, then I saw her getting her phone from her bag. I'm glad for phones or else Hayley would have been sitting down doing nothing. I raced to the bathroom, I hope I don't waste Hayley's time in the shower because I can be freaking slow when having my bath.

Naomi [Wattys 2017]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя