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                It felt akward not having Iggy's perky blonde self awake me from my sleep. It had been 2 weeks now since she's moved out; since I've spoken to her actually. It wasn't until now that it hit me: the only reason why I stayed here was because of her. I sighed, hopping out of bed and heading into the bathroom. I ran cold water over my face, hoping it would wake me up.

        I sighed at the failed attempt to wake me up before heading back to my bedroom. I heard my phone ringing and curiously, I picked it up. The number was definitely a Harlem number, but I had never seen it before. Hesitiantly, I answered it, muttering a "Hello?" into the phone. "Hey, is this Mike?" stated a soothing voice. I rose an eyebrow. "Uh, yeah. Who am I speaking too?"

        The words that were coming out of her mouth next were something I never expected.


        I paused. "And what the hell do you want?" I growled into the phone. I was never really a fan of her, but now that she had hurt Iggy, it felt only right to loathe her. "Mike, chill. I have some information on Iggy about you. And trust me, you're not going to like it." Jhene whispered into the phone. I froze up. Should I really believe this hoe? I mean, she was the mastermind of lies. However, I was a bit curious to see what she had in store. "Where do you want me to meet up with you?" I asked.

        Jhene paused, probably surprised that I had gone through with it. She had me on lock after she mentioned Iggy. "Can you meet up with me now? At the Itallian resturaunt by Fiona's house?" Jhene asked. I wanted to question how she knew where Fiona lived, but instead I just replied, "Yeah. I'll be there in 10."

        And just like that, my conversation with the devil ended. It left me alot more confused than I already was. But most of all, I was anxious to see what Jhene had in store about Iggy. Honestly, I was just looking for even more of an excuse to hate Iggy. Y'know, other than the fact that she walked out on me, on us. And even after I told her my feelings, she continued on with the plan. That's what had hurt the most.

         I shook my head. I was going to get answers today hopefully.

. . .

        I parked my Red Mustang inside a parking space, clicking off the seatbelt. I jumped out of the car clicking the lock button. Twice. I walked inside the building, smiling at the waiter who was bringing plates of food out towards the people who were already seated. Jhene had noted that she was a reserved person, which only lead me to think she was sitting at the back.

        You see, the Olive Garden near Fiona's house had a section all the way at the end; towards the restrooms. Most of the time it was secluded, due to sanitation concerns. The only time people went there was to hide, or in my case, unravel many secrets. I began walking towards the back, the smell of the restroom already kicking in. Just as I supposed, Jhene was leaned up against a booth, her HP laptop situated firmly on the table.

Harlem Tales (A$AP Rocky)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz