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    "Wake the fuck up, Amethyst." Grendy stated. From the sound of her voice, I could tell she wasn't happy at all. I turned my head and saw a hunched over Grendy staring at the bright computer screen. "Is there anything you'd like to tell me? Maybe why I was woken from my sleep to see pictures of you and A$AP Rocky kissing?!" She erupted. 

     I looked at the clock. It was 7:30, way to early for Grendy to be dealing with all this bullshit. I sighed loudly. "Let me see," I stated getting up from my comfortable bed to meet Grendy at the computer screen. There it was. In all color. It was a picture from last night when I had kissed Rocky. I hated to admit it, but I didn't feel the least bit remorseful about the kiss.

     "So explain!" Grendy barked. I shrugged. "I kissed him." I answered. "Well do you know how much fucking work I have to do to clear this up? You just told me you didn't like him, so why the hell were you swapping spit with him like you guys don't have the damn paparrazi on your backs?!" Grendy exploded. I sighed. "But why are you mad? I've kissed plenty of guys before." I answered smartly. 

     "Well excuse the fuck out of me. Not only am I having to clear this up, but you know damn well I  was obsessing over him and you go out and kiss him." Grendy stated. It wasn't until then that I remembered that. It had completely slipped my mind during the time I was with him. Not only did it make me feel terrible, but it made me feel like a bad friend too.

     "Look, I'm sorry. I totally forgot--" I began. Grendy cut me off. "Yeah whatever. I have to send some emails. Get ready, you have a radio interview at ten."  Grendy stated. As if that was their cue, hair and make up rushed into the hotel room ready to beat my face (and my hair).

. . .

     By 9:45, I was situated in a radio chair as I awaited for my interview with one of the hottest radio stations in Harlem; Harlemz Own. The interview was even more nerve racking considering that three cameras were situated around the room. Finally, the room clock chimed notifying that it was 10:00am. Vilaya and DJ Schillz, the hosts, sat down on a chair in front of me. By my side was an upcoming Harlem singer who happened to be scheduled on the same day as me.

     "Okay okay. You are now listening to 94.5fm Harlemz Ownnnn. We got two of the biggest sensations in the room right now. Iggy Azalea and Fiona!" Schillz said. I smiled at them and spoke into the microphone. "Thank you for having me." 

     "No thank you for joining us. So Iggy, what's it like being in Harlem after living in Australia for so long?" Vilaya stated chiming in. I pondered on it for a bit. "Well, for one, the people here are alot different. I mean in Australia, the fastest you can drive is 50 miles per hour, and even then people look at you like you're wierd." I stated.

     "I swear, when I first moved here from Florida, everything was so different. It would be like 60 degrees outside and I'll be bundled up cause in Florida, that's considered freezing. Everyone would look at me like I was crazy!" Fiona stated laughing. I nodded at her. "Exactly!' I answered.

     "60 degrees? Over here that's the type of weather we go to the beach in!" Schillz stated. I scoffed. "Please, that's beach weather? In Australia, it's always beach weather. It get's quite annoying however." I answered. 

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