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SEXUAL CONTENT (if you would consider it that :/)







         I couldn't help but crave for the high feeling after the whole blow out with Iggy. For the past 3 days, I hadn't received any calls or text from her. I know I shouldn't have expected it, but usually she'd hit me up with one or two text and I'd call her up and we'd make love again. I toyed with the remote as I flipped through the many channels. No matter how many times I had tried, the wanting of high still wouldn't go away.

         Sighing in frustration, I grabbed my phone, sliding the unlock button and clicking call. The phone rang three times before the signature sultry voice of Jhene rang in my ear. "Congratulations." Jhene stated, amusement in her tone. "Whatever Jhene, I need you to do me a favor." I stated, getting straight to the point.

          "What do you need now?" Jhene stated into the phone. Hesitantly, I stated, "I need some weed." Jhene chuckled lightly onto the phone. "We already agreed on this Rakim. You want weed, you have to give me something in return." Jhene stated. I sighed. "I was hoping you could let this sli--" I began.

          "Oh come on, Rakim. You know me. I never let anything slide, no matter how much history we have. I'm a G, Rakim. I'm all about" Jhene stated, the words rolling over her tongue. I sighed. "What are you expecting? Money? Fame? Tell me what you want Jhene." I pleaded, even though I already knew the answer. Jhene chuckled. "You know those things never meant a thing to me. What I really want is you..." She stated.

          "I can't do that Jhene," I whined into the phone. Jhene scoffed. "Why not? I mean you're single now aren't you? There's no strings attached. You fuck, and the weed is yours." Jhene insisited. I sighed, rubbing my hands together as I let everything sink in. There was no way that Iggy could find out about this right? I mean, it was between Jhene and I, and Jhene always kept her business strictly to herself.

          "I need an answer Rakim." Jhene spoke sweetly into the phone.

          "I'll do it. But it has to be now, no later." I ordered. I could practically feel Jhene shrug. "Your wish is my command." She spoke into the phone. "I'll be there in 2 hours. Be ready." Jhene whispered before hanging up the phone. I sighed running my hands down my face. Nothing could go wrong, right?

. . .

         Finally, about 3 hours later, I heard the knock on the door. Jumping up, I gathered myself. Of course, it wasn't my first time with Jhene, but I somehow felt as if just being in the room with her was creating a problem that I hadn't encountered yet. I rubbed my hands on my jeans before heading to the door. Looking through the peephole. it was of course, Jhene, in a long trench coat. I rose an eyebrow at her attire. It was cold, yes, but a trench coat?

        "Rakim." She stated, nodding her head at me once I opened the door. I smiled at her, well if you would consider that a smile. She sat down, dropping the weed on the counter. I made my way to reach for it, but Jhene was quicker, grabbing it and slipping it in one of her many pockets. "Ah, ah, ah. Rakim, you ain't knew. You know the deal. I get what I want first." Jhene stated, her business-like ways kicking in.

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