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          The birds were chirping and the light blue skies were ever so heavenly. I looked towards the door of the hospital room and saw a sleeping Iggy curled up wearing nothing but an old tee of mine. I smiled to myself, happy that I made it another day, and from what the doctor informed me, it seemed as if I've been doing better. I was less stressed now that Jhene was taken care of. I could sleep peacefully without wondering how was I to protect. Everything seemed legit happy, and hopefully it could stay that way.

I sat up straight, reaching over and taking my cup full of water and grabbing the two pills the doctor prescribed me to help with the heavy pain I was feeling. It wasn't anything big, but being stuck with IV and staying cramped up in a hospital bed definitely made me feel weak and sore. I grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels, finally landing on the news, for there was nothing else good to watch. As if my sudden movement sparked realization in Iggy, she woke up, brushing her blonde locks out of her face. "You're up," she said surprised, for usually, she'd wake up before me, taking it upon herself to give me everything I needed. I nodded, smiling at her.

She walked towards me, her hips swaying side to side as she planted a kiss on my forehead. I grabbed her waist, setting her down on the empty spot next to me on the hospital bed. Even though I was in pain and extremely weak, there was no denying how sexy Amethyst looked right now. I licked my lips, staring her down. From her plump pink lips, to her heavily manicured toes. "God knows how much I can't wait to get out of this hell hole so I can give you some of this good good again." I stated jokingly. Iggy rolled her eyes, a smile playing against her lips. We both were aware of the chemistry there but neither of us addressed it.

"You know you're the only guy who's made me feel all giddy inside?" Iggy stated, staring down at me. I rose an eyebrow. "Then all them guys weren't nothing but boys. But me? I'm a man." I stated. Iggy chuckled nodding. "Well, my man just happens to be very strong. 'Cause I guarentee you, none of those boys would take a bullet for me." Iggy stated. I rose an eyebrow. "I didn't take the bullet though." I answered. Iggy shook her head. "You know damn well if you didn't have on that bullet proof vest you would've taken it anyway." Iggy stated. I nodded, for it was true. I leaned up, planting a kiss against her lips, holding it there before pulling away.

"I can't wait to get out of here." I muttered against her plump lips. Iggy smiled, chuckling quietly to herself. "I have to go run some errands. I'll be back in an hour or so." Iggy stated standing up. She sashayed herself to her suitcase, pulling out a stack of clothes, flipping through them before deciding one to wear. She headed towards the bathroom that held a shower, one that she had become accustomed to while my stay at the hospital. She walked inside the bathroom, closing the door shut behind her.

It wasn't until then that I held the breath that I hadn't realized I was holding.

Throughout the days that I had been here, my mind had continued to flash back towards my Mother. She was growing older, and me being the child who'd still stayed in contact with her after Dad died, I knew she could not wait to see me get married and do all the things that a mother would love to see. But I was quite skepitcal about her accepting Iggy. Due to my family's past, I knew the thought of me marrying a white girl was still very tense. But I was hoping the time that I had spent away from my mother had taught her a lesson. In fact, I was planning on allowing Iggy to go and have a one on one talk with her today. Hopefully, Iggy would remain respectable, which was an immediate plus one to her case.

Harlem Tales (A$AP Rocky)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ