Chapter 7 Defense Against the Dark Arts Class

Start from the beginning

"Sabertooth." Alina whispers.

Dylan, Maxine and Samantha gasp at the sight him.

**That's it, kid, nowhere left to run, you're all alone, there's no one left.** His smile grows wider as he pulls out a bloody head from inside his coat and tosses it at her, Logan's head lands right at her feet, the class gasps some cry out in horror at the sight of the bloody mess. **The runt's not gonna save you this time. I'm gonna have fun skinning you alive** He extends his claws, let's out a roar and lunges for her.

Professor lupin's eyes widen at the sight of all the blood and at the man with the claws, and right when Sabertooth lunges he slides in front of Alina and the boggart changes to the full moon.


And the boggart turns into a  deflating balloon, Remus directs the boggart back into the cabinet and slams it shut.

"Thank you all, class dismissed, Miss. Xavier please stay a  moment."

Dylan, Samantha and Maxine hesitate to leave Alina, but Remus gives them a nod.

"It's alright, she'll be along shortly."

Alina goes back to her desk and begins to angrily pack up her things. Remus comes over and lays a hand on her shoulder, she jumps at the contact.

"Here have some chocolate, it helps." She takes the piece of chocolate and pops it in her mouth.

"Thanks, Professor, sorry for that pathetic display. I knew exactly what to do, but I couldn't do it."

"You have nothing to feel sorry for, it's sometimes difficult to face our fears, that wasn't pathetic at all."

"The funny thing is, I didn't even know I was afraid of him."

"May I ask, who he is?"

" His real name is Victor Creed, but he goes by Sabertooth."

"And would he really act the way the boggart portrayed him?"

Alina took a deep breath, thinking about how to answer Professor Lupin's question. Alek steps out of the shadows and walks towards Alina, never once taking his eyes off of Remus. When he reaches her, he places himself be her and him.  Alek nuzzles her hand to let her know he's there, she automatically starts petting him. Remus unconcsciously takes a step towards Alina. Alek immedietely becomes aggressive and snarls at Remus, Alina lays a hand on the wolf and he calms down.

"It's alright Alek, he's one of the good guys, and to answer your question, Professor, yes Victor would love nothing more than  to skin me alive." Considering her healing factor would have it grow back, Victor would loads of fun.


"For sport, for the fun of it, Victor enjoys killing, he's good at it, and he doesn't really need a reason why."

"But why you?"

"Because his brother cares for me, watches over me. And what better way to torment your brother than to kill the things he loves."

"He sounds like an evil and sadistic person."

"Victor is much worse than you think, Professor, he's tried several time to kill Logan, but he's never been able to. I guess my fear is that one day he'll succeed, and that it'll be because he was protecting me."

Tears once again began to flow, Remus was so heartbroken at the sight of her crying that couldn't help himself. He reached for the girl and pulled her into an embrace, she wrapped her arms around him and sobbed. His arms tightened around her as she snuggled into him, after a while her tears finally stopped. They stood there for a little while until Alina pulled away from him, she smiled up at him.

"Thanks, Professor, for putting up with my blubbering."

Remus smiled at her, taking a handkerchief out of his pocket, he wiped her eyes.

"No problem what so ever."

Remus reluctantly lets her go as she did the same. "Well, I guess I better go find my friends, thanks again Professor. Come on Alek let's get you something to eat or are you going hunting…"

Remus heard her saying to the Dire Wolf as she walked out of his classroom, he sighs, gathers his things and walks into his office.

Alina found her  friends, they had been sitting on the bottom of the stone steps waiting for you. When  they saw her and Alek they immedietely jumped up and walked towards her.

"Who was that?" Maxine asks

"You guys have heard me talk about Sabertooth? Well that was him."

Dylan's eyes widen "That was him, no wonder your afraid of him. But you really don't think he could kill Logan, do you?"

"No I don't think so, but I may need to go home to reassure myself that he's okay. For now let's go back to the common room and relax until dinner."

"So what happened with Professor Lupin?" Samantha asks.

"Nothing, he was just checking up on me to see if I was alright. He gave me a piece of chocolate and a hug, we talked a bit about Victor."

Sam and Max look at each other and smile.


"Well, on  the up side at least you got a hug from your crush."

"You have a crush on Lupin?!" Dylan whisper shouts.

"Shut up no I don't, you  guys are imagining things."

"Sure, we are, Alina, keep telling yourself that." Dylan tells her while grabbing her in a hug, Alina laughs and  tries to get away. She gets away from him and he chases around, they end up  running into the court yard. Dylan catches her and she screams. She laughs as he spins her around.

"Cut it out you two and let's get back to the common room." Maxine says

Dylan laughs and drops Alina on her butt, he wraps his arm around Maxine and gives her a kiss.

"Jerk," Alina says as she sit there on the ground huffing with her arms crossed, Samantha helps her up

"Come on you nuts, to the common room"

TO THE COMMON ROOM!" They shout.

Unbeknownst to them, Remus had been watching them the whole time through the window. He was fixing himself some tea and just happened to glance out the window, when he saw them playing. He was happy to see Alina laughing, but he felt a twinge of jealousy, when Dylan wrapped his arms around her. He cleared his throat and looked away.

"What am I thinking, she's a student." He says to himself. Remus finishes his tea and heads down to the Great Hall for dinner.

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